Ashlyn asked her dad if she was still spending the weekend with him. He picked her up Friday after school. It was the first time she's spend the weekend with him since February 9th (and before that, it was October 10th). So despite the fact that he rarely spends time with his child, he still prioritizes his brand new girlfriend (they've been together 1 week) and her kids over his own.
XH has been living with his aunt and uncle since moving back to Kansas in May 2019. So that is where Ashlyn expected to be spending the night. Well, XH decided to take Ashlyn over to his new girlfriend's house instead. Ashlyn didn't want to be there at all and spent most of the time outside in XH's truck. At 9pm, he told Ashlyn that she needed to go back into his girlfriend's apartment because they were going to lock the door, watch movies, and go to bed. Ashlyn asked him why they weren't going back to his aunt and uncle's house and he just ignored her. She spent the night in his truck instead.
Our court paperwork states that XH can't introduce his girlfriends to the kids until they've been dating for 6 months and he can't have the girlfriend for overnight stays (when he has the kids) until they've been together for one year. The whole reason why the Limited Case Manager made that recommendation to the court, was because it has been a revolving door of women since I left him in 2005...and there has been domestic violence in more than one of those relationships (which was also the reason why I left him). Most of his relationships don't even last six months in the first place...and only one has lasted longer than a year.
Now, Ashlyn didn't have to stay out in his truck. She could have gone inside or she could have called any number of family members to go pick her up. But she just stayed in the truck until morning. But if XH wouldn't have violated our court order in the first place, it never would've been an issue. He spends less than one weekend a month with the only child out of three kids he has (possibly four...never heard if the last one was his or the woman's husband)...yet he still can't tear himself away from the girlfriend for 48 hours to devote his time to his child.
XH loves to post Facebook memes about how important his kids are to him and how wrong it is for women keep children away from their father. But that's the one is keeping our kids away from him but himself. He gets visitation Wednesday and every other weekend...yet he never shows up on Wednesdays and rarely shows up for the weekend. So he isn't a victim of anything except his own decisions.
Updated to add: By 3/18/20 both XH and the girlfriend are now listed as "single" on Facebook. So that didn't even last a month...