Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Meet Bozley Reddington Pride!

So...we did a thing!

Johnny and I have been talking for awhile about getting another dog. We'd gone back and forth about the different breeds we might want. We knew that we wanted a dog that was on the larger side who had relatively long hair...but there were many breeds we liked which fit that description. We'd watched several movies about dogs...and we really liked the golden retrievers we kept seeing in the movies we'd been watching. We saw The Art of Racing in the Rain and shortly after, I joined a Facebook group about golden retrievers in the Midwest area. A week later and exactly seven months after our Australian shepherd, Bandit, had passed away...we paid the deposit on a little golden retriever puppy who was ready to come home to us that weekend. We drove about five hours away to pick him up. We'd also been contacted by another local family who had also purchased a puppy from the same breeder, so we worked it out to bring their puppy back with us as well. And...there is a Facebook group specifically for all of us who brought home puppies from this particular breeder this summer. It's been nice seeing all the photos of everyone's puppies, to get updates on how everyone is doing, and be able to ask questions and get advice. 

The breeder was...not great. There were some red flags during our initial contacts that I brushed off at the time...which was my own mistake. But luckily everything worked out in the end. We came home with an adorable and sweet AKC registered golden retriever who instantly became a beloved member of our family. 

This is Bozley Reddington Pride...and we usually call him Boz. But his name was inspired by the show The Blacklist. Raymond Reddington is the main character played by James Spader. We thought the Reddington part of his name would be appropriate since he has a bit of red in his coloring. :) But also, Reddington's second body guard and the commander of his paramilitary group was named Baz (played by Bazzel Baz) and it is pronounced Boz. So we decided on Bozley and we call him Boz. His hashtag on my instagram is #BozRed. :) 


Through chatting with the others who also got puppies from this breeder, we found out that they'd never been seen by a vet at all before going to their furever homes. They were also infested with fleas. We spent two hours bathing Bozley with Dawn dish soap and combing his fur to get all the fleas off. And Sunday night, Boz was bloating really badly. Monday (two days after we brought him home), I took Bozley to the vet to have him checked out. I was pretty worried about the bloating. Despite the record we got from the breeder claiming he had fecal exams and/or dewormer, Boz was diagnosed with hookworm. So we were able to have him treated and he is already feeling so much better. The vet also said he was pretty tiny for his age. But I'm sure he'll be growing well now that he is home with us! :)  Unfortunately, we also found out that Bozley has a grade 2 heart murmur. The good news is that the vet believes he could grow out of it as he gets older. So we just have to keep an eye on it and see if it changes. Because the puppies were never checked by the breeder which would have found Bozley's heart murmur, I provided documentation for the breeder and we were refunded half of what we paid for him. 

He's all puppy right now...plays hard and then naps hard! And oh my goodness the chewing. :P But he's such a good boy and we adore him. <3 So far, he is shorter than the cats and the chihuahuas, but that'll change soon! He is doing pretty well so far with crate training and potty training. And he's just so darn cute. :) 

Monday, July 20, 2020

Back to work!

I'm finally feeling a little bit better and there is finally work available today was my first day "back to work" since everything got so crazy in March. I'm SO excited to be doing what I love again!

I realized while I was setting up my new planner on Friday that I've been working as a law enforcement transcriptionist for a year now. I really love being able to work from home and set my own hours. If I want to work during the day, I can. If I want to do something else the next day and work during the night while everyone is asleep, I can. If I want to take a day off, I can. As long as the files I've chosen are completed by the deadline, that's all that matters. I can pick how big of a file I want to take on or how many files I want to claim.

Not only do I love the flexibility, I love the work itself. I love working in a law enforcement field. I love being able to provide a service that makes a difference. It isn't always easy, but I definitely think it is worth it. So I hope to continue doing this work for many years to come! :)

Johnny is also still working from home for the USPS. Their ability to work from home has so far been extended to September. We are hoping that he will be able to continue working from home until a vaccine is available, since he is in a high risk population. Johnny also won a successful bid for a promotion to the lead agent position. He had been working the position off and on already when other agents were absent, but he finally got a permanent position on the lead team. So we're very excited about that! :)

Aubry still has her job as well. A couple months ago she was promoted from dishwasher to cook which came with a raise. What started as a part-time job after school and on weekends turned into full-time hours throughout the stay-at-home order. I think she's back to being scheduled to work just 4-5 days per week, but there for awhile she was working 6-7 days a week. She is still saving up to purchase her own hopefully that'll happen soon for her. :) I'm very proud of the good work ethic she has shown. That is something which will serve her well in all her future endeavors!

Ashlyn is still uninterested in finding a job. She's only 15, so it's not like she has to get a job right now or anything. But...she talks about buying a car an awful lot for a person who doesn't have a job. ;) Johnny took her driving the other day so that she could log more hours for her restricted license. He made the mistake of letting her drive to a car lot. :P Now all she talks about is the car she is planning to buy. Not planning like someday in the future...planning to buy right now. Uh huh...suuuure. ;)

Well...I better get back to work!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

First post of July!

I just realized that I hadn't posted in July at all yet!

I've been pretty busy with stuff around the house. We were able rent a dumpster for a week so we could get some stuff cleared out of the garage and backyard. Johnny's truck broke down 5-6 years ago, so we haven't been able to haul anything for awhile. That meant we had a LOT of stuff to get rid of from years of pool work, house guests in and out, etc. It was really, really hot all week...but Ashlyn helped me a lot during the day. We would go out for a little while and then come back in for a short break before going back out. The frequent breaks definitely made a difference. But then once it got way too hot in the afternoon, we stopped and waited for it to cool down a little before going back out in the evening and working until 9pm or 10pm. But we were able to get it filled before they picked it up! We still have some stuff in the backyard that will need to be hauled off as well as some things in the garage that were prohibited in the dumpster (chemicals and paint, cement and rocks, etc.). But I'm SO happy about the progress we've made. Now we actually have room in the garage to sort through the remaining stuff to find what still needs to be gotten rid of, what all is going in the garage sale, and then organize everything we actually want to keep out there.

Originally I was going to get the garage cleaned out so we could have a garage sale during the citywide sales...but it is just way too hot. They usually don't have the sales this late in the summer...but with the stay-at-home orders and everything, they rescheduled for the last half of July. After working out in the garage in this heat...I don't think we'll be having the garage sale yet. I'm especially cautious of having a garage sale right now because the Covid-19 numbers are rising in our area again. So...I just don't really want to mess with a garage sale right now. But we'll definitely be having one within the next year or so! We have accumulated so much stuff over the we have a LOT to get rid of. My sister, mom, and grandma will be joining the garage sale as it is sure to be a huge one! But...not the right time for one at the moment.

We had a nice 4th of July at home. We usually go over to my grandparents' house, but with Covid-19 concerns, they didn't have their usual get-together this year. Since Johnny and I haven't been feeling real well, we decided to stay home. Johnny grilled some chicken, burgers, and hot dogs for dinner and we watched Hobbs & Shaw with Ashlyn while we ate (Aubry had her own plans this year, so she wasn't home). Then we watched some fireworks from our backyard. One of the houses behind us had a pretty good show going on!

Last night I made Cheez-It Chicken Fried Steak for dinner...but I decided to bake it in the oven instead of fry it. It turned out pretty well. I probably won't do it that way again next time, but they still tasted delicious. :) 

Today we're just planning to have a relaxing day at home. We slept in (my Fitbit says I actually got 8 hours and 26 minutes of sleep!) and haven't done a whole lot yet today. I'm going to have Johnny change the filter for the air conditioner. I found a replacement on Amazon since I haven't been able to find one at the store (it's a large accordion style one). I think he also wants to get the surround sound hooked back up. And I'm going to reorganize the kitchen counter too. I found something smaller to better organize our leftover condiment packets from when we get fast food so that it takes up less room on the counter. Hopefully it'll work well! It's actually meant to be a tea organizer, but I think it'll serve our purpose. I also got this microwave shelf that I'm actually going to use for the pressure cooker and they take up less space on the counter too. Plus it matches the spice racks, paper towel holder, napkin holder, fruit bowl, trivet, mail/key holder, and curtain rods that we already have in the "black scroll" kind of design. I got the bowl, paper towel holder, and trivet when I got married the first time in 2003...and have collected more items since then. I just love that look. :) I also have some candle holder wall decor that matches...but I haven't figured out where to put them yet. Sometime we need to get some more spray paint to finish the last two patio chairs too. I keep forgetting about that. :P

But...that's about all we've been up to lately. :)