My youngest daughter, Ashlyn, found a litter of stray kittens in an alley back in May 2016 while at XH's parents' house. When we met to pick up the girls later that day, they brought the kitties and XH's mom gave us $20 for supplies if we'd take them home with us. One of the kitties was white with black stripes like a tiny little white tiger...and in a moment of weakness, I said yes. I thought we'd get them healthy and ready to find them some new homes...maybe keep one of them or something. They were just so cute though and each have their own little personalities and it became impossible to just pick one or even two of them to keep. So...we kept all three! The girls and I each named one of the babies: Leo, Angel, and Milo. I almost always call them LeoBud, AngelFace (Johnny calls her SweetiePetey), and MiloKitty. I'm not sure when it started, those names just sort of stuck.
Leo is a silver short-hair tabby with black spots and stripes. We always get compliments about how beautiful he is. He's the biggest kitty and it's all muscle...he's very heavy compared to the other two! He used to be pretty aloof...but he's gotten really lovey lately. He has even started climbing into my lap to hangout while I'm working on the computer. He still hates being picked up though. He's pretty vocal about anything he doesn't like or that he's had enough of. He doesn't mind being brushed or having his nails clipped...until he wants you to stop and then he'll start making whiny noises. He's the only one who puffs air out of his nose...almost like he's annoyed and saying "hmph" which matches his personality. ;) He's a sweet boy though. He loves laying on the perches of the cat trees and sucking and kneading on soft blankets.
Milo is a short-hair classic tabby with grey/brown circles and stripes on his black coat, a brown spotted belly, and a cute little white chin. He's only slightly shorter than Leo but quite a bit lighter. He's our little cat dog. He follows me around like a puppy and loves to roll over for belly rubs. He also loves to play fetch. He'll bring his little poof ball or stuffed mouse to you and just sit and flick his tail waiting for you to throw it for him...then he'll chase after it and bring it back for you to throw it again. We didn't even train him to do it...we just tossed the ball for him to catch and he brought back and dropped it on the floor in front of us. He's a super sweet baby who purrs really loud. Every single night he will jump up on our bed and go to the pillow behind mine--which we've covered with a soft blanket--and he'll knead the blanket for awhile before laying down and stretching his paw out on the pillow that I sleep on. He is the one who "alerts" me that it's time to eat. He'll start knocking things off tables until I get up to feed them. Every. Single. Morning. ;)
Angel is the smallest kitty and also the only medium-hair cat. She's super soft with a fluffy tail and a tiny little face. She's pretty vocal and the only one who really makes a typical "meow" sound regularly. She will meow at a closed door if she knows someone is inside without her. For as tiny as she is, she can meow LOUD when she wants attention. She loves being petted and regardless of what you're doing, she'll crawl right in front of you demanding cuddles. She loves head scratches and if you stop, she'll nibble on your hand until you keep petting her. She loves to be brushed and if you're brushing anyone else, she'll sit in between and paw at you until you start brushing her instead. She also loves laying in the sun and sleeping in laundry hampers. And she especially loves her daddy. Johnny is still a dog person...but he likes being the cat daddy now, too. ;)
We had to make the very difficult decision to put our Australian Shepherd, Bandit, to sleep two days before Christmas in 2019. Johnny got Bandit as a puppy in 2010. He was a big furry sweetheart and Johnny was so attached. Bandit had gotten sick in July and then got sick again in December...and he just couldn't shake it. He was having a lot of difficultly breathing and even after lots of meds and spending the night in the oxygen cage at the vet, he still wasn't getting better. The vet thinks it might have been cancer that either started or spread to his lungs. So we said goodbye and stayed with him until he no longer had to struggle to breathe anymore. :( It was definitely one of the hardest things we've ever had to do. He was such a good boy and we still miss him terribly.
Bandit aka Bubbies
January 27, 2010 to December 23, 2019
January 27, 2010 to December 23, 2019
We'd been discussing getting another dog for awhile. We went back and forth about what breed we would get. We knew we wanted a large dog with longer fur...but there are many we liked. We decided on a golden retriever and I joined a group on Facebook which often advertised golden retrievers in the Midwest. A week later and exactly 7 months after Bandit passed away, we decided on a puppy who was ready to come home that weekend. We drove about 5 hours to pick him up the weekend of 7/25/20. His name is Bozley Reddington Pride but shortened to Boz (his name is inspired by the show Blacklist) and I usually call him BozzyBear. We've become very attached to this sweet guy! He is so beautiful and super smart. By the first week of August he had already learned the commands sit, down, and shake...and he immediately caught on to potty training. He loves playing with stuffed toys, throwing things around, playing fetch, and absolutely loves going outside in the snow. We always get a lot of compliments at the vet and groomer about how sweet. He's such a good boy and a wonderful addition to our family. :)
Bozley does have some pretty bad anxiety though. When he was about 6 months old, we started talking about getting a bigger friend for him to have someone to actually play with...since all the other animals are so much smaller than him now and don't want to play with him anymore. So we'd been casually looking for another golden retriever puppy. We had found a breeder that we liked...but it's been awhile since she's had an available litter. Then around 8pm on July 14, I saw a FB post about an almost 7 month old golden female who has food allergies (just like Bozley!) looking for a new home. And about an hour later...we were on our way to pick her up! And there was an immediate change in Bozley. He'd been scared of riding in the car ever since he was a puppy and always had to be riding in my lap. But the night we picked up Nova...he laid in the backseat with her like he'd been doing it all his life.
Miss Nova Lee Pride walked into our home like she'd been here all along. Her previous owner had already named her Nova Lee so we kept her name since she'd already gotten used to it. She is such a sweetheart and she blended into our family seamlessly. She and Boz are pretty much complete opposites...from the way they look to their attitudes. Bozley is more of a serious and anxious/easily-excitable fella and she's far more calm and a lot more goofy. She always seems to have this vibe that's like, "I don't know what we're doing but I'm doing it!" She's such a smart, stubborn girl but such a sweetheart. She loves to cuddle with us (and/or Bozley). She sleeps in our bed every night and loves to be laying right up next to us. And unlike picky Boz, mealtime is her favorite time! She usually tells me when it's time to eat by going into her kennel, standing in front of her bowl, and staring me down until I feed her (or tell her that she just ate an hour ago and it's not time to eat again yet). ;) She'll follow me from her kennel to the bin of dog food and then has this bouncy run back to the kennel and waits for me to set her bowl down. She also loves sprawling out for naps...whether she's on the couch or laying in the sun outside she seems to like airing out her ladybits. ;) It's so much fun watching Nova and Bozley run around and play with each other. The two of them have really bonded...they hate to be away from each other. They both pace and whine if the other one isn't home...or even if one of them is just getting a bath with the bathroom door shut! We're really enjoying watching these two beautiful dogs grow up together. :)