Thursday, April 14, 2022

Sickness BLAH

Sunday I woke up feeling SO crappy. At first I thought it was allergies because my nose was stuffy/drippy. I kept taking Benadryl every 4 hours but nothing was helping. Monday I woke up and I felt even worse. I had so much pressure in my head and I was just absolutely miserable. I was taking Benadryl and Sudafed but nothing was helping. I ended up sleeping most of Monday. Tuesday I could hardly hear because my head still felt so clogged. It felt like my ears needed to "pop" but they just wouldn't. Plus my nose was all red from blowing it constantly for three I was also super attractive. ;) lol. I've started feeling a little better each day since then but still feeling pretty blah. My sinuses seem to be draining in my throat now and I have zero energy. least I feel better than I did at the start of the week! 

I've had quite a few transcription files to get done while I've been sick. Even though I wasn't feeling well, I did take a few more files. It was hard to work on while my head was so stuff and I couldn't hear very well...but I got them all done. I'm going to take a break over the weekend though. I have one more file due on the 20th but I'll start on that one after Easter. 

This weekend I'll be working on my new POD store(s). I'm working with two different websites right now trying to decide what products I will sell in which stores. I'm not sure how much I will actually do with these shops, but once I get it all set up, I will share all the details here. I'm far more comfortable with my Etsy shop so that will probably be where most of my focus is. And on that note...back to work! :) 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Hello April!

It's going to be a busy month! This weekend my mom, grandma, and Aubry came over to hang out for awhile and to have Cheez-It chicken fried steak for dinner. I hadn't made it for awhile and mom and grandma had never tried it before.  They really liked it. :) And then Easter is in a couple weeks. We're also getting ready for some 4th generation pictures with my mom and grandma later in the month. We have to coordinate outfits and everything for that. Plus Ashlyn also has prom at the end of the month. We already have her dress and scheduled her hair and nail appointments. Plus on top of all that we have to get ready for the garage sale next month! I'm both looking forward to and dreading the garage sale. :P I'll be happy to get rid of lots of stuff but garage sales are SO MUCH WORK. 

I've also been busy with CandiMaker stuff. I had some behind the scenes organizing that I wanted to get done. My spreadsheets are now more organized. I had them all in one workbook but I separated out all my spreadsheets related specifically to taxes and each tax year will have it's own workbook. I like having it all organized and completed throughout the year so I don't have to scramble at tax time to get it all ready. 

My Etsy shop is doing well lately. :) I have officially hit 50 sales as of Sunday! I think that's pretty good since I haven't done much in the way of promoting or paid advertising. From my first sale in September through the end of December I only had a total of 10 sales. Then by the end of February I had 19 sales. And then March things just really took off! It's basically the one bestselling design that made the difference. Since that's more of a seasonal design, I hope to have some new bestselling designs soon! :) It's still so exciting every time I see that I have a sale. And Johnny always tells me how proud he is of me. I'm really lucky to have such a supportive husband. :) Running your own business is a lot of hard work, and if your significant other doesn't encourage you -- or worse, criticizes you -- it makes that work even harder. 

I have a transcription file that I need to get as well. So I'll be working on that this week in addition to getting some more designs done and uploaded to my Etsy shop

I haven't really made any new recipes lately. I did make a regular recipe in a new way last night though! I used the air fryer to make cheeseburgers and tater tots for dinner last night. They were yummy! With the tater tots the air fryer instructions are on the bag already. But for the hamburgers I used fresh 1/2 lb hamburger patties and air fried them them at 375 degrees F on one side for 6 minutes then flipped them and cooked them on the other side for another 6 minutes, flipped them again and added cheese, then cooked them for another minute. Oh and I just use the McCormick Grill Mates Hamburger seasoning and added some smoked paprika to season the hamburgers. We're having leftovers for dinner tonight even though it would normally be taco Tuesday. :P I love leftovers! It's one less night where I have to figure out what to make. ;) 

I hope everyone is having a good week so far!