Thursday, December 26, 2019

Thursday 13: Santa Claus!

The other day I was trying to remember what my daughters have gotten from Santa each year. So in the spirit of the holidays and my love for lists...I thought I'd write it down here to start some more Thursday13 posts. So here are the things Santa has brought my kids for the last thirteen years:

1. 2019 - The girls each got a Fitbit Versa (yay for Black Friday sales)!
2. 2018 - The girls got a PS3 and some games to go with it.
3. 2017 - The girls each got a Samsung Galaxy On5 cell phone from Straight Talk.
4. 2016 - Ashlyn got an iPod Touch and Aubry got Beats On-Ear Headphones
5. 2015 - Ashlyn got a Chocolate Pen kit and Aubry got a Sky Viper HD Video Drone
6. 2014 - Ashlyn got a Horse Stable for her 18" doll and Aubry got a Razor Electric Scooter.
7. 2013 - The girls got a 32" Vizio Smart TV for their room (which they shared at the time).
8. 2012 - They each got a pair of Adjustable Inline Skates.
9. 2011 - They each got a Nintendo DSi.
10. 2010 - They got a Nintendo Wii with a few games and my grandparents got them the Wii Fit Board.
11. 2009 - Ashlyn got a Fur Real Cat and Aubry got an Easy Bake Oven.
12. 2008 - Ashlyn got Ponyville Amusement Park, Aubry got Littlest Petshop Tail Waggin Fitness Club.
13. 2007 - They both got the Barbie Mini Kingdom Castle and two other set to go with it.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


I haven't posted since the last holiday...but it's been a rough month.

I started a new medication hoping that it would help with my migraines, but the side effects were not great. I felt like I had mild flu symptoms (neuropathy like when I have a fever, body aches, chills, sore throat) and I was just so tired. For about a week I didn't have any headache at all...which I haven't experienced for as long as I can remember. However, it made my GI issues a lot I felt like I was just trading one problem for another. Sadly, I'm far more used to the headaches and migraines than I am the GI issues. So...I decided not to continue with that medication. It was worth a I can scratch that one off the list.

I've also been busy with work. I'm still really enjoying my job as a law enforcement transcriptionist. It is only providing a little extra income right now, but I'm hoping as things slow down around here that I'll be able to devote more time to it...well, if and when things ever slow down. :P 

Right after Thanksgiving, we had to rush to find a way to empty the storage unit that my step-daughter had taken upon herself to put all of my mother-in-law's things in. She informed us that she was no longer going to be paying for the storage unit so basically it was our problem now. Luckily between our car, Aubry's car, and my grandma's truck, we were able to get everything except a completely uncovered and unprotected mattress that was filled with who-knows-what out of the storage unit. Note to anyone who puts anything in storage: you can get zippered waterproof mattress protectors and tape around all the zippers or even get some heavy gauge plastic to wrap around a mattress and seal it with tape to protect it from bugs and critters in a storage unit. Honestly, anything fabric should be in plastic (put clothes and bedding in plastic tubs with lids, etc). Otherwise, you might as well just skip putting it in storage and throw it away...because you're likely going to end up with bugs and mice living in it. Ick. NO THANK YOU. But we have a whole lot of boxes in our living room, dining room, office, and a few furniture pieces and plastic bins in the garage that I get to figure out what to do with. I'm hoping over Christmas break I can get the basement more squared away and move all the boxes and everything downstairs.

December was pretty busy for the kids at school. Not only did they have finals, they also had a school dance, Ashlyn had a music program, and they both had Commander's Call for AFJROTC which my parents and I went to (Johnny had to work).

We celebrated our Christmas at home early this year because the girls went to XH's parents' house for the first weekend of Christmas break and then they'll be home today. We went to my mom's house and my grandparents' house (my mom lives next door to them) to celebrate on Christmas Eve and then today we'll go to my other grandparents' house. That's all we really have planned this year.

It's just been a rough year. And unfortunately, this holiday season has been a particularly sad one for our household. A couple weeks ago our Australian Shepherd, Bandit, had developed a cough. He'd cough a few times then he'd gag like he was trying to cough something up. Then he actually coughed up a small blood clot, so we took him to the vet on Saturday the 14th. They took a chest x-ray and ran some blood work. His organ function tests looked good but he was anemic and his lungs looked pretty bad in the x-ray. The vet said that it was either cancer or possibly a fungal infection. So he was given some antibiotic and steroid shots and sent home with some antibiotics, steroids, and we decided to treat with anti-fungals in case it was a fungal infection. While his cough got better right away, his breathing became very labored. Finally it got to the point where Johnny texted the vet on Sunday and we took him in, because Bandit was just trying so hard to breathe that he couldn't sleep and he was just worn out. They put him in the oxygen cage and kept him overnight. They gave him some more meds including a diuretic hoping to ease his breathing. They ran more tests the following day, but unfortunately our baby's lungs and anemia had gotten worse despite all the treatment...not better. So we had to make the difficult decision to have Bandit put to sleep two days before Christmas.

Our vet clinic's new building has a separate "comfort room" for just such an occasion. There is a sectional sofa in there so it has a more comfortable setting. There is also a door that leads straight to the parking lot so you don't have to go back through the lobby while you're so distraught. The vet let us take Bandit outside...they even brought us a bowl of water and some fresh cooked chicken to give him. We spent quite awhile outside with him...perhaps too long. Outside of the oxygen cage he had to try so hard to breathe and he was becoming weak. We had one of the vet techs carry Bandit inside and put him back in the oxygen cage while they got everything ready for us. Then we held him and comforted him until he no longer had to struggle so hard to breathe anymore. Finally Bubbies could just sleep peacefully. :( 

It's been so hard. Johnny got Bandit as a puppy in 2010. He's been a part of the daily routine ever since. The house just isn't the same without him. All the cute things he would do and the noises he would make. The way he gave hugs and always wanted belly rubs. Just so many things that make the house feel empty.

I think Linken knew it was coming. In the last couple weeks, Linken had been very attached to Bandit. He kept wanting to sit or lay down next to him. I think Linken was trying to "be there" for him when Bandit wasn't feeling good. And while Bandit used to get annoyed with the puppies invading his space for too long, he didn't seem to mind Linken wanting to be close.

A post shared by Candi Pride (@tinycandi) on

Not that it's ever easy, but it's just such a hard time of year to go through this. It's hard to gather and celebrate family and be joyful when such a special part of your family is no longer there. But...I'm so thankful he got to enjoy one more snow fall. He has always loved going out and eating the snow and ice... 
Bandit Pride
aka Bubbies
January 27, 2010-December 23, 2019

Thursday, November 28, 2019

So much to be thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving 2019! There's so much in my life to be thankful for...

I have an amazing husband who loves me and treats me well. He is supportive and kind. I've never met someone so generous and willing to help...not just me, but everyone around him. We enjoy our time together and Johnny makes me smile every single day. I've never been so happy. He is the love of my life and I couldn't imagine spending my forever with anyone else.

I have two pretty great daughters. They're teenagers now and while there's a lot of bickering and typical teenage attitudes, they're really good kids and I'm so very proud of the young women they are becoming. I'm thankful for the school they attend and the many opportunities that are available to them for choice of classes and extracurricular activities (more so than at their old school) and I'm proud of how well they are doing in school. I'm also very thankful that they're overall healthy kids and I hope that is always the case. Oh and I'm truly thankful to have primary custody of my children and no longer fighting with XH over everything anymore. I'm thankful all that drama is behind us.

I am thankful for my family. My mom is truly wonderful...and she has always been there for her loved ones through everything. She is also the inspiration for how I raise my own children. I can't say enough good things about her. And my dad is always there when we need him...and likes to spoil his girls. My sister also strives to take care of her loved ones and always tries to be the person in your corner. She never fails to makes me laugh and her gif game is strong. ;) I also have very involved grandparents who have always had a prominent place in my well as close knit extended family members. This is also the first Thanksgiving that my Uncle Billy will be home for. He's back home after living in California for 30-some years. He retired from the Navy a short time ago and finally made it back home. So I'm thankful for that as well. :)

I'm thankful for the roof over our heads. Johnny bought this house back in 2006 and the girls and I have been living here since 2013. I love the town we live in and I couldn't ask for a better location. We have plenty of room and I've enjoyed being able to make it "our" home.

I'm thankful that we have a nice vehicle that gets us to where we need to be! Last year was spent dealing with a multitude of vehicle issues which led to finally trading in our previous vehicle for a new car. Johnny likes that it's sporty looking, but I'm just glad it's reliable! I'm also thankful we were in a position to be able to get new tires this week.

I'm even thankful for our pets. While they can drive me crazy sometimes...they also provide countless hours of entertainment, snuggles, and happiness.

I'm thankful for Johnny's job and my own job as a law enforcement transcriptionist. I'm thankful for the ability to work from home and to make my own schedule around the needs of our family. It's been a wonderful opportunity and I'm so glad that I found it. I'm thankful that we are able to pay our bills and provide food and all the necessities of life.

I'm also thankful that I'm getting my child support again...especially now that I have a senior. It helps us to be able to get the extra little the "Class of 2020" sweatshirt AND sweatpants that Aubry wanted and a bigger senior ad in the yearbook. And with two daughters in high school, there are more dresses for school dances, more activities (and the $10 here and there to stop for food on the bus ride home), etc. We always make sure the kids have what they *need* but it also helps to be able to say "yes" to some things they *want* as well.

I'm also thankful for the little things in life. Netflix and Amazon Johnny and I can binge watch shows together. We also recently discovered that the Dog Whisperer is on Disney+ so I'm thankful for that! Pajama pants so I can be comfy. The pressure cooker I got from my grandma so I can make quick and easy meals for my family. The Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer I got from my grandma so I can make cookies and not wear out my shoulder holding my old hand mixer. Our new carpet cleaner to clean our floors and upholstery.

There are SO many things to be thankful for...the big and the little things! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Recipe: Chocolate Chip Cookies

I'm making chocolate chip cookies to take to my sister's house tomorrow for Thanksgiving. This is my favorite recipe! I like my cookies to be more cake-like and these taste wonderful. :) I'm also not much of a chocolate fan, so I usually make some of the cookies without chocolate chips and add sugar sprinkles on top instead. I also like to crush up candy bars like Butterfingers and add them in place of chocolate chips. You can use whatever you feel like! :)

And on a nostalgic moment... This is the first dessert I baked for Johnny back in June 2012 shortly before we got back together. I know the way to a man's heart! ;) 

Chocolate Chip Cookies 
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1/2 cup shortening 
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
2 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla 
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
3 cups flour
1 bag chocolate chips 

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. 
Mix butter, shortening, brown sugar, sugar, eggs, and vanilla.
Sift together salt, flour, and baking soda. 
Gradually add flour 1 cup at a time and mix well. 
Stir in chocolate chips. 
Drop spoonfuls of batter onto cookie sheet. 
Bake for 8-10 minutes. They should be just starting to darken on top when you remove them from the oven. Cooking them too long will make them too crispy. 
Let the cookies sit on the pan to continue to heat for at least 3 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack. 


Thursday, November 21, 2019

Customer service is important!

A business that has good customer service is beneficial for everyone. I mentioned Amazon's great customer service in this post concerning the way they make up for mistakes or shipping promises that hadn't been met. Because they are so good at compensating for any problems, it makes me want to shop there even more. I feel confident that I'll get what I'm paying for...or they'll make up for it if there are any problems. I keep going back because they ultimately provide peace of mind in my shopping experience. I encountered some more good customer service, so I thought I'd share. This is in no way a paid review or endorsement of any kind.

Today's good customer service experience came from Discount Tire. Johnny ended up getting a flat tire the other day on his way to lunch. So...time to get new tires. BLAH. We have a Discount Tire just down the we started looking around their website. Shopping for things like this is always super fun because...well because I'm frugal and Johnny is not. :P But we finally compromised and I picked the tires. ;) 

Anyway...I ordered them online, set the date for the appointment, and then it said I had to pay in store. Then I got a call the next day saying we would need to go in and put at least 10% down before they could order them. Johnny had already left for work, so I told him I'd have to take it in the following morning. Then I get another call back saying that they just realized the tire we ordered had been discontinued. Um...then why is it on your website?! He did say in the voicemail that he'd try to find us a deal on a different set of tires. Since Johnny was already at work, I decided to wait until he got home to decide what we want to do. 

I went back on their website and started looking at similar tires. While I was looking at a set that I liked, I found that they have a link where you can submit a link for price matching. I found the $72 tires on a different site for $60.78 per tire (including shipping) so I submitted the information. I kept waiting to get the email response, but then I got tired of waiting so I went ahead and called. I spoke to the guy who'd left the voicemail and let him know which tires we wanted and that I'd found them online for a cheaper price. He said that they could definitely honor that price and they'd just have to change it manually in the store. He didn't even ask for the information about the website or anything (although I already have it printed out to take with me to the appointment). 

So...the point of the story is that even though there was a problem, a better solution was found in the end. With their price-match guarantee, I was able to find a better deal. And because of that, the next time I or someone I know needs tires, I'm going to recommend them. While they may have made less money on my purchase than they would've without the price match, they also earned future business. It's focusing on the long game instead of the short play...that's how you win.   

There's the old saying that the customer is always right. Well...not really. There are a lot of times when the customer is wrong about something. BUT...the customer IS always the customer. And if you want to keep that customer, then keep the customer happy. And if you keep the customer happy, they can bring you other customers as well. 

I attended a required customer service training session at a previous job. I didn't even have a customer service position, but it was required for everyone. I'll always remember the video that talked about "just give 'em the pickle." No really...that's the entire premise for the video. The idea was to find something that your business can provide the customer to make them happy...and he just happened to run a restaurant. After a customer complaint about being charged for extra pickles, it created the policy to "just give 'em the pickle." It's the same concept as price match guarantees, promotional credits for items that were not delivered by the stated time, etc. It provides the customer something that keeps them happy...and will likely keep them as a customer. 

Like I said, I'm not getting paid for this "endorsement" at all. I simply had a good experience and felt compelled to share that experience with others. That's what good customer service will do for your business. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Holiday weekend ended with a...scratch!

Johnny didn't sign up to work the holiday weekend, so we were able to have three whole days together! The girls went to the football game Friday night because Aubry was working the concession stand. Aubry had to work on Saturday so Ashlyn watched the puppies while Johnny and I went to his mom's old house to get some more of her stuff out of there. Then the girls went to a WSU game with my mom and grandparents on Sunday. After the game, they spent the night at XH's parents' house...mostly because Aubry wanted to see her boyfriend who lives out there. :P

So...Johnny and I had a lot of quality down time together. We didn't get as much done around the house as we'd planned, but it was nice to have some time to ourselves. Sunday night we ordered delivery from Applebees and continued binge watching How to Get Away with Murder on Netflix. ;) It was a nice "date at home" night. :)

And then Monday night I ended up in the ER. I'd let the dogs outside to go to the bathroom. Neko is a little jerk and won't come back inside when you call for him...he just stays where he is and shivers until you go out and pick him up. It was dark, but I could see his eyes glowing out by the I didn't take a flashlight out with me. Well, when I bent down to pick him up, I misjudged how far away I was from the bush and one of the branches poked me right in the eye. We spent almost two hours trying to flush my eye out with water and eye drops at home before I gave up and asked Johnny to take me to the ER.

They gave me some numbing eye drops and then some dye to get a better look at my eye. And just as I suspected, I had scratched my cornea. Unfortunately, the numbing eye drops only last about 5-10 minutes...and a scratched cornea is PAINFUL. It feels as though you have a rock in your eye and every time you blink or even move your eye when it's closed, it hurts. And then, immediately after they shined the light in my eye, I got a hemiplegic migraine. My face instantly went numb along with my right shoulder and arm. Then the headache came over me. After they treated my eye with an antibiotic ointment, they also gave me a shot of Phenergan and Toradol for the migraine. Then we came home and since I couldn't see and my eye was still in so much pain, I just got an ice pack and went to bed.

I had to follow up with my eye doctor today. He said that I have two pretty bad cuts on my cornea; one at the top and then one right in the middle. He gave me a contact lens to wear until my follow-up appointment on Friday. He said it'll act as a bandage to protect the wound and help it heal. It basically eliminated the pain associated with my eyelid moving over the that was good! Then he prescribed me some antibiotic eye drops to use four times a day since it was a stick that had gone in my eye.

So tonight I've finally been able to keep my eye open for more than a few seconds at a time and I can even sit in a room with the lights on and not have to keep my eye closed. The sunlight still bothers it a lot though. Luckily corneal abrasions heal quickly! Especially considering I'd picked up a file for work before all this happened and have a deadline to meet!

So...that was my eventful start to the week. :P

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Brand Spankin' New Carpet Cleaner!

First, this is NOT a compensated review. I bought this carpet cleaner because we desperately needed to clean the carpets. :P

We have had a LOT of dogs in this house (and kids)...and some were not so potty-trained. Unfortunately, when we got the Chihuahua puppies, they started marking by the sliding glass door where the previous dogs had gone before. And when Bandit was so sick a few months ago, there were several messes in the living room as well. We talked about hiring someone to come in and clean the carpets, replacing the flooring, etc. We priced flooring and decided to get a carpet cleaner for now and then hopefully replace the flooring in the dining and living rooms next year (or whenever we can afford it).

So I researched different carpet cleaners and found one that I thought I would really like and that had good reviews. My decision was solidified when I found this deal that offered 5 monthly payments instead of paying a large amount up front. I could fit that into the budget a lot more easily than $200 all at once!

So...the Hoover SmartWash is what I chose. It is super easy to use. You fill the clean water tank with warm water and fill the dispenser in the back with detergent. Then you just plug it in, turn it on, push forward to wash, and pull back to dry. You can't go to slow forward or it will automatically switch to dry. It's also better to pull back slowly to dry in order to get as much water out as possible. Then when finished washing, remove the soap dispenser to rinse with the same forward and then back to dry motions. After that, press the "dry only" button and keep going until water is no longer being pulled from the carpet. It only took about an hour for the carpet to dry after I was done.

I will say there is definitely a lot of suction with this carpet cleaner. I had vacuumed the floor really well with our Dyson pet vacuum, but there was still SO MUCH dirt and hair pulled up from the carpet that I didn't even know was there. I feel like our floors are so much cleaner just based on that fact alone! But you can also see the difference. This photo is from just one pass using the carpet cleaner. You can see a definite line between the left and the right side of the photo that hadn't been cleaned yet.


One of the best things about this carpet cleaner is that it is very easy to clean. All of the compartments lift away. The dirty water tank opens completely and is easily cleaned out. It has a screen that needs to be cleared during each cleaning. The front cover lifts away which can be rinsed out. The brushes are also easily lifted to be rinsed out and cleaned as well.

I only have a few minor complaints about the new carpet cleaner. There's no notification when the clean water tank is empty and the cleaner just makes a louder noise when the dirty water tank is full. The blue wash should turn red when the clean water tank is empty and the green dry should turn red when the dirty water tank is full. It's a minor complaint...but it would definitely add to the "smart" of the SmartWash name. Another minor improvement would be some sort of a handle on the bottom portion of the dirty water tank. It would just make it easier to empty if there was a logical spot to hold it. But...those are just minor improvements that could be made.'s a great machine and I'm very pleased with my purchase. :)

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Recipe: Chili!

Today was the first snow of the season and that means chili and cinnamon rolls for dinner! I love making chili because it's super easy. You just brown the hamburger and then dump everything in a pot. Everyone seems to make their chili differently, but this happens to be my favorite recipe.


2 lbs ground beef 
2 cans chili ready diced tomatoes
1 can tomato sauce
1 can chili beans
1 can dark red kidney beans 
1 pkg Williams chili seasoning mix for 2lbs of meat

1. Brown hamburger and drain. 
2. Combine all ingredients in a large stock pot. Do not drain any of the cans. 
3. Simmer for at least 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

I like to top my chili with lots of shredded extra sharp cheddar and fritos or my new favorite: cornbread. It's DELICIOUS. Most of the time when I make chili, I double the recipe so we can have leftovers. Then I freeze the rest once we're tired of leftovers. ;) You can also substitute ground turkey for ground beef. You can't tell the difference at all...especially if you let it simmer for quite awhile. I also make a pan of cinnamon rolls to go with it...just like we used to have in school. :) 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

New Sims 4 Pack Ideas

I got my first computer as a high school graduation present from my grandparents. That same year was when "The Sims" was first released...and I fell in love with it. I had all the expansion packs from the first three installments of the game...most of which I got on sale after the next installment was released. Out of all of them, Sims 3 was definitely my favorite. I liked all the extras you could get from the Sims 3 store and the wide variety of custom content. I actually didn't even get Sims 4 until January 2017 (more than 2 years after it was released) because I was enjoying Sims 3 so much.

Sims 4 has been a bit different than the other they have expansion packs, game packs, and stuff packs. Basically the expansion packs are full of lots of new items as well as new gameplay. They really change the game entirely. Game packs are a sort of smaller expansion pack...some new stuff and just one or two gameplay changes. Then the stuff packs have only items, clothes, etc.

For my birthday, I just got the newest Sims 4 Expansion Pack: Island Living. And I just found out that they'll be releasing University next month...which I've been waiting for ever since I started playing Sims 4. So I'm super excited about that! I don't have the time to play all that often any more, but I enjoy it when I have some free time. I especially like the build aspect and recreating houses. I've remodeled our house a lot in my Sims game. ;) 

But the new Sims 4 Expansion also got me to thinking about the other packs that I'd like to see in the future. So...I've come up with a list! ;)

1. Tiny Homes Game Pack - Being able to build houses out of shipping containers, on wheels, or even in trees. Having the ability to make lofts with ladders without a full-size second-story wall. Being able to capitalize on small spaces with built-ins, pocket doors, and Murphy beds and bunk beds. It could also include new careers in architecture, construction, and/or interior design. There could be a new active career as a real estate agent. They could even include a freelancing career in flipping houses. 
They actually released a Tiny Living stuff pack in January 2020! It doesn't have everything I would've liked...but it's still pretty good. 

2. Midwest Expansion Pack - I live in the Midwest and I think there are enough "rural" things to make a complete Expansion Pack with a brand new world. One of the most obvious ideas would be the addition of farms. They could add tractors and tending crops. They could add livestock...pigs, cows, goats, chickens, even ducks. Horses would also be a nice addition. Farmer could be added as a freelance career. Something like 4-H could be an after-school activity for children and teens. And, of course, it wouldn't be the Midwest without tornadoes. There could be a focus on rebuilding after. They could also add a new career as meteorologist and/or storm chaser. They could add hobbies/skills like crafts, sewing, and/or canning. They could also have something like county fairs where people could buy/sell their goods and compete for ribbons in livestock, crafts, etc.
They released the Cottage Living Expansion Pack in July 2021 that had a more "country" feel to it and includes cows, chickens, alpacas, more gardening, and cross-stitching. 

3. Careers and Hobbies Game Pack - This would be much like the Ambitions Expansion Pack from Sims 3. It'd be nice to add firefighters and mail carriers...they could replace the NPC (non-playable characters). Having a daycare center where Sims could not only work but also drop off toddlers would be nice as well. Perhaps they could bring back the stylist career as well. I think they also need to bring back the sculpting hobby...and maybe include a pottery wheel this time. Scrapbooking would be a fun addition. I'd also like to see them add more after school activities for children and teens: art, debate, cheerleading, sports, school newspaper, etc.
They are releasing a High School expansion pack in July 2022 which includes sports and extracurricular activities for teenagers. 

4. Carnival Stuff Pack - I think this one would be a lot of fun. It could have rides like a carousel, Ferris wheel, and a roller coaster (bonus if the user can design it) then carnival games and face painting. And things like the claw machines where you try to pick up a stuffed animal or whatever...that would be an interesting addition as well.
They are releasing a High School expansion pack in July 2022 which includes a fair in the trailer. 

5. Zoo Game Pack -  I'm not sure that it will ever happen, but a zoo pack would be fantastic. Creating exhibits and even having an active career as a zookeeper would be fantastic.

6. Vehicle Stuff Pack - I'm not sure if Sims 4 will ever make an open world where Sims can actually drive between lots again, but they could still utilize vehicles in the game like it is. Adding garages and of course garage doors. Vehicles that can be repaired and restored would add to skills/hobbies. They could have an auto mechanic career and/or a car salesman career.

7. Get Married Expansion Pack - I think an expansion that focuses on relationships would be nice. More romantic encounters...even something as simple as holding hands and going on a walk would be good. Being able to plan an elaborate proposal and more wedding ring options. Lots of items and new attire for a wedding and utilize wedding planners. DJs and musicians could play at wedding events. Chefs and mixologists could cater weddings. A new career as psychologist could offer marriage counseling. They could introduce churches and preachers. Maybe there could be some honeymoon suites or something.
(They released My Wedding Stories game pack in February 2022). 

So...I guess we'll see what they come up with next!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Recipe: Roast with Carrots and Potatoes

I was running a fever this morning and have felt pretty crappy all day. But...people still gotta eat! So the pressure cooker is definitely my go-to when I want something easy to make.

Pressure Cooker Roast with Carrots and Potatoes 

2 tbs vegetable oil
2.5 -3 lbs tender beef chuck roast
1 can beef broth
5 russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-2 inch pieces
8 carrots, peeled and cut into 1 inch pieces
1 packet dry onion soup mix
1/4 cup cold water
2 tbs cornstarch
1 tsp garlic salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper

Turn pressure cooker to Saute function. Once hot, pour in oil. Add roast and brown on both sides for about 3-4 minutes per side. Turn off Saute function. 
Add beef broth, dry onion soup mix, potatoes, and carrots to the pot and spread out evenly. 
Close and lock the lid. Cook on high pressure for 60 min. 
Allow natural release of pressure for 10 min before quick-releasing the remaining pressure.  
Remove roast place on a serving platter, leaving drippings in the pot. Add garlic salt and pepper.
Turn pot to Saute and bring to a boil. Combine cold water and cornstarch in a bowl then add to pot. Whisk until slightly thickened, about 2 to 3 min. 

*I used the CooksEssentials 8qt Oval Pressure Cooker for this recipe.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Recipe: Fajita Chicken Bowls

I almost forgot that it was Taco Tuesday! Since Johnny was off work yesterday for the holiday, it felt like Sunday all day. The girls weren't home until late because they've been busy preparing for the play at school later this week.  And Johnny is back to working overtime after work so he got home even later. So I didn't really even think about making dinner until about 7:30pm. And of course at that time, I wanted something quick and easy. So...definitely called for the pressure cooker! This recipe is ready in about half an hour total.

Pressure Cooker Fajita Chicken Bowls 
1 can of chicken broth, divided
1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 packet fajita seasoning
1 can dark red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 can whole kernel corn
1 1/2 cups salsa
1 1/4 cups long grain white rice
1 cup shredded extra sharp cheddar (more if desired) 

1. Spray bottom of pressure cooker pot with non-stick cooking spray.
2. Add 1/2 of the chicken broth to bottom of the pot then add chicken breasts.
3. Pour fajita seasoning over the chicken. 
4. Add kidney beans, corn, salsa, and rice. 
5. Add remainder of chicken broth over the rice. Make sure it is fully submerged in the liquid. 
6. Cook on high pressure for 8min.
7. Allow pressure to naturally release for 12min, then quick release.
8. Remove lid and fluff the rice with a fork. Put the lid back on with the power off and let sit for 10min. 
9. Remove the chicken from the pot, shred, then return to pot. Mix everything together well. 
10. Top with shredded cheese. 

*I used the CooksEssentials 8qt Oval Pressure Cooker for this recipe.


ETA: Johnny likes this better without the chicken shredded. Having the chicken sliced into larger pieces breaks up the texture a little bit more.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Future Planning

Johnny was off work this weekend since tomorrow is a holiday. He had some stuff to get done in the afternoons but we were able to spend some quality time together in the mornings chatting over coffee and watching a little bit of Netflix. Then in the evenings he spent some time with his mom because she's moving to Seattle next week. She suffered a stroke in April and Johnny's brother wants her to be closer to him now.

I think his mom's stroke really made Johnny start thinking about future planning. His mom really didn't have much in place as far as durable power of attorney or anything. There was no person already assigned to make the decisions on her behalf. There was nothing in writing concerning her wishes about medical care. It really made an already stressful situation more tense among everyone.

My mom and I have talked a lot about our wishes if either of us were to become incapacitated or upon our death. My mom and grandma have met with an attorney concerning their properties and assigning beneficiaries, etc. And I'm a planner so...I like to know what to expect and what I'm supposed to do.

So in the last few months, Johnny and I have talked quite a bit about things. I don't remember what actually brought up the conversation this weekend, but he was wondering about his life insurance and everything through work. Right after we got married, we changed all his beneficiary paperwork for his retirement accounts, life insurance, etc. but we didn't really think about it much after that.

I consider myself to be incredibly lucky. I'm married to someone who wants to make sure that I'll be taken care of if he goes before me. So I went through all his paperwork and researched everything for him.

I'm a big spreadsheet I figured up all the calculations for today and every five years from now. I also figured up his retirement...what his annuity payments would be based on age and years of service for deciding when he wants to retire. Of course, it's just based on estimations for what future COLA increases may be and stuff...but at least he'll have an idea. It's too bad the 5 years he worked for the USPS before becoming a career employee don't count toward years of service. :P But he hits 15 years as a career employee next year, so it's getting up there! He just tries to think of each year as one more year closer to retirement. ;)

Unfortunately, so far I'm worth nothing to Johnny when I'm far anyway. The next time open season comes up for Johnny's life insurance, we can add the family option to his policy. But that could be another 10 years or so from now (it was 12 years between the last two and they don't really announce it in advance).

But until then, I'm trying not to be totally useless upon my death. :P See, I take care of all the household issues. So I'm in charge of paying all the bills, managing all of our accounts, all of our paperwork, etc. I'm a pretty organized person...but since Johnny just trusts me to take care of anything, he doesn't actually know where to find anything. "contribution" in the event of my death or incapacitation is to have everything ready that Johnny could possibly need. I have created a "packet" of information for Johnny with spreadsheets that outline everything for him. All of our information, accounts, where to find everything, etc. Johnny is NOT a planner and definitely tends to be a worrier who doesn't deal with stress very well. So I want to make all of that as easy as possible for him.

Not everyone thinks about stuff like that. Lots of people think about the big things like wills and advanced directives, etc. But making sure that our loved ones know how to go on with daily life types of things without us can relieve a burden as well.

But in other less depressing news...I'm loving the cooler weather! I'd like fall to stick around as long as possible before winter shows up, though!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Recipe: Creamy Chicken and Noodles

The weather finally cooled off this we've been having a lot of our "cold weather" favorites. This is one of the meals that EVERYONE in the house loves. Ashlyn is a picky there's a lot that she doesn't like. :P But when she came home from school and asked what was in the Crockpot, she responded with "YES!" So that's always nice to hear. ;) I first got this recipe from my Grandma Sandy after we had it at her house during Christmas one year. SO yummy and super easy!

Creamy Chicken & Noodles 

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 stick butter (1/2 cup), sliced
4 cans chicken broth 
24oz Reames Frozen Egg Noodles 

1. Combine everything but egg noodles in slow cooker. Cover and cook on low for 7 hours. 
2. Remove chicken, shred, and return to slow cooker.
3. Stir in frozen egg noodles. Cover and cook on low setting for 1 hours. 

We serve this over mashed potatoes...and I mix corn into mine. It's so very yummy! 


Sunday, October 6, 2019

Recipe: Vegetable Beef Soup

For dinner tonight we had one of our family favorites... Vegetable Beef Soup! This recipe was inspired by my mother-in-law's recipe but I adapted it for the pressure cooker. It takes a lot less time that way! The first time I made this, it took all afternoon and evening on the stove. This is ready to go in about one hour including prep time!

Pressure Cooker Vegetable Beef Soup
2 lbs of stew meat
2 tbs of oil
1 tbs of dried minced onion
2 tsp of Italian seasoning
4 cans stewed, sliced tomatoes (do not drain)
2 large potatoes, peeled and cut into bite-size pieces
4 carrots, peeled and cut into bite-size pieces 
1 can of green beans (do not drain)
1 can of corn (do not drain)
2 cups extra wide egg noodles
water as needed
salt and pepper, as desired

Turn the pot on to Saute setting. When the pot is hot, add the oil.
Add the stew meat and sear lightly on all sides. Do not cook all the way through. Work in batches so as not to overcrowd the pot. Use slotted spoon to remove the meat and place in a separate bowl. Repeat until all the meat has been browned.
Add dried onion and Italian seasoning to the pressure cooker and saute for 1-2 minutes. Turn off the Saute setting on the pressure cooker.
Add meat back to the pressure cooker. Add stewed tomatoes, potatoes, and carrots and stir. If there is not enough liquid to cover the vegetables, add just enough water to cover them.
Place the lid on the pressure cooker, lock, and cook on high pressure setting for 20 minutes. 
When the cook cycle is finished, let the pot sit undisturbed for 15 minutes and then quick release the rest of the steam. When the pin in the lid drops down, open the lid and stir.
Turn off the pot, and then turn on the Saute function. Stir in egg noodles, green beans, and corn. Make sure the noodles are submerged. Cook until the noodles are tender (about 5-8 minutes), stirring occasionally. When the noodles are done, turn off the pot and serve with crackers.

*I used the CooksEssentials 8qt Oval Pressure Cooker for this recipe.


Monday, September 30, 2019

Homecoming 2019!

I'm late getting to this post, but it's been a busy week! Last week was homecoming. The girls were busy getting ready for the parade for Thursday. The drama stage crew kids built a float with the then/now theme of the parade. They featured a play from this year (Beetlejuice) and a play from the past (Guys and Dolls). Aubry found out on Monday that she would be designing the float so they only had three days to get it built and painted. Aubry is excited to be using it for her Thespian Conference portfolio. She is hoping to get a scholarship for theater production for next year. :) I'm so proud of all her hard work!

And then the night of the Homecoming Parade, there was an AFJROTC drill competition so Aubry carried the American flag in the parade. My parents and grandparents came up to watch the parade with me and Ashlyn (Johnny had to work, unfortunately). Aubry did a great job!

Then Friday was the football game. Aubry had to work but Ashlyn went to the game to hang out with her friends. And we won! Then Saturday afternoon, my mom and grandma, sister, and my nieces came over to help the girls get ready for the dance. They looked so beautiful and had a great time!