Saturday, March 14, 2020

Pandemic Panic

You know what's ironic? So many of the people complaining about the media causing a panic are also the ones posting over and over again about the issue including the endless amount of memes about toilet paper. Repeatedly mentioning it, posting pictures of empty shelves, all the memes, etc. has completely taken over Facebook. That is pretty much the ONLY thing happening in my feed right now...a constant barrage of availability at the store, belittling others over the pandemic, and people complaining about panic.

Well...that constant barrage of posts and memes about what has run out at the store is causing people to rush out and buy more of the things they might need...because they don't know if or when they'll be able to get it again because of everyone else who is also doing the same thing. First it was toilet paper, Lysol, and hand sanitizer. Then it was milk. Now it's pretty much everything...including produce which doesn't last that long.

So yeah...complain about the media "spreading panic" by reporting facts but ignore the fact that filling everyone's Facebook feed with posts about what is running out at the grocery store is causing its own panic. You are literally doing the very same thing. You are part of the problem.

And STOP belittling people who are rightfully worried about the health of their loved ones for whom this situation could be deadly.

I will likely be just fine if I get Covid-19, but I have many friends and family members who may NOT be fine if they contracted this brand new respiratory virus. Anyone with a respiratory problem like asthma or COPD, diabetes, heart disease, a compromised immune system, the elderly, etc. are all at a higher risk of complications from Covid-19. MILLIONS of Americans fall into one or more of those categories...and I'm willing to bet you know a few of them. So while lots of us may be just fine if we get it, we can easily spread it to those whose life is at risk. Their lives matter.

This isn't "just the flu." You know why this is different than the flu? We already know what the flu is capable of. We already have vaccines to try to protect against it. Many of us have antibodies against it (certain strains at least). We have treatments for it (there are at least three antiviral treatments for influenza including Tamiflu). But unlike the flu, Covid-19 is a brand new type of Coronavirus for which we have no vaccine, no preexisting immunity, no treatment, and we're learning what it is capable of as we go. They are currently *experimenting* with treatments for other diseases to see if they work on this drugs developed to treat HIV and Ebola (some of which haven't even been licensed and approved yet).

And as people keep reminding us, tens of thousands of people die each year of the flu. Well guess what? Now in ADDITION to all of those people, we now have a brand new virus that is ALSO making its way around the world and leading to hospitalization and death. Which brings me to my last point...

We should all be a healthy bit concerned about the crisis which could occur within our healthcare system. Our hospitals do not have an infinite number of resources, space, or personnel. And with a flood of pandemic patients in addition to all those patients who already need medical care for childbirth, surgery, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, car accidents, and all the flu patients people keep bringing up, isn't just going to affect Covid-19 patients. It will affect ALL patients. Italy's healthcare is ranked number 2 in the world...the US is number 37. So don't act like we couldn't be facing the same crisis they are facing in Italy. That's why things are being canceled.

People shouldn't panic. But stop complaining about the panic if you're just going to keep contributing to the problem. How about thinking of other things to start talking about on Facebook? Then maybe that panic you keep pissing and moaning about will die down...