Saturday, March 21, 2020

Quarantine Update

Okay so we're not truly on quarantine, but we're trying to stay home as much as possible. Frankly, I love it...since I try to stay home as much as possible already. ;) However, my high school kids are getting pretty stir-crazy...especially Aubry. She keeps wanting to go to the store and hang out with friends and her boyfriend. So she's been kinda cranky. But she does get to leave the house a couple times a week to go to work. She works in a restaurant and they're still open so far.

In the last week, I think I've only left the house once to pick up our Walmart Grocery order. It was our regular biweekly order...but there were a lot of substitutions and out of stock items. Absolutely no meat, bread, or regular coffee creamer. Johnny bought some hamburger buns a few days ago though so we can use those for sandwiches if we have to. And I still have a couple pounds of hamburger and a bag of frozen chicken breasts so we can get by with that for a little while. The creamer though...Johnny is pretty upset about that one. :P And to disappoint him even further, Quik Trip has stopped selling their self-serve coffee! :P He did find out that he could order a medium through the kitchen though.

And we got some exciting new today! Johnny should be bringing home a laptop after work today to start working from home. I'm pretty happy about that! Too bad he can't always work from home!

The girls won't start online learning until around March 30th. I'm curious to see how that goes. I think it'll be a nice change of pace, though. Trying to look for the positives! :P

I hope everyone is doing well! Stay healthy! Stay home as much as possible!