Monday, January 27, 2020

January has been crazy.

I just realized that I hadn't posted anything but recipes lately. :P

It's been a pretty crazy month. The girls went back to school on Monday the 6th and Ashlyn ended up coming home sick from school...and it just lingered forever. We took her to the doctor on the 21st and they did some blood work, but everything checked out fine. She was just very weak, dizzy, and nauseous. She didn't have an appetite so I think the fact that she wasn't eating much was probably making the whole feeling lightheaded and weak even worse. But she was finally able to go back to school today. She got most of her homework done while she was home, but she still has a little bit of catching up to do.

Then Aubry was home sick today. It was her sinuses though...not stomach issues like Ashlyn had. And luckily she's already feeling quite a bit better so she'll be back to school tomorrow.

Johnny will still be home again tomorrow though. He had Mohs surgery today to remove a spot of skin cancer. He actually has four surgeries scheduled between now and March. The two on his cheek and the spot on his ear will all be removed with the Mohs micrographic surgery technique and the spot on his chest will just be a regular excision. They're all basal cell carcinomas but the spot that was removed from his cheek today also had squamous cell cancer present. Lesson learned...definitely wear sunscreen if you work outside!

Today was a pretty sad day as well. Our Australian Shepherd, Bandit, would've been 10 years old today. :( It's still so hard to believe he's gone. :(