Monday, January 13, 2020

Insomnia strikes!

I hate when you're just watching the hours tick by and counting how much sleep you're NOT going to get when you have insomnia. I've gotten through (re)watching the entire last half of the second season of Scandal tonight. :P

Work has been slow since the holidays. This past weekend I took advantage of the downtime and got some work done around here. All the boxes and stuff of Johnny's mom that we moved out of the storage unit and old house were just haphazardly "organized" so I went through everything and organized them into more logical categories. I also wrote on each of the boxes specifically what are in them so that if we ever need to retrieve something MIL needs, we will know exactly where it is. I got them all sorted and put away (at least where they are temporarily until we clean out the basement and garage) but while I was in the middle of it, our living room looked like a tornado went through. Well...if tornadoes left everything organized into logical piles. ;)

Ashlyn is still sick. Now it's mostly just fatigue and weakness since she hasn't been eating much. She can't stand for very long before having to sit and take a break. So she hasn't been at school. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon. I contacted all her teachers tonight and Aubry is going to pick up her homework tomorrow so she can get started on that while she's home.

Aubry spent the last part of the week and into the weekend at the Kansas Thespian Festival. It was the first time she had gone to something like this and she had a good time. It's still hard to believe that she will graduate in a few short months!

But...I suppose I should try to get some sleep now. :P Goodnight!