Friday, December 10, 2021

Another December!

I can't believe how quickly we are to approaching the end of another year! The weather has been pretty up and down lately. We actually had record highs in the area last week. It usually averages about 50 degrees around here in the month of December, but it was 74 degrees on the 2nd! I love temps in the 70s. :) But...I'm definitely not a fan of the wind we've had lately. Ugh. 

Ashlyn had Hollyball on Saturday. She just went with some friends this year. Her dad's sister helped her get ready and then she stopped by here so I could take some pictures. She hung out at a friend's house before and took pictures and then they went to the dance. Ashlyn said she had a really good time. :)

Johnny and I went to get our Covid boosters on Sunday. It was basically just like the first two doses. Our arms were pretty sore that night and the next day. Then the following two days we were kinda tired and sore all over. But we're both feeling much better now. I made some vegetable beef soup Sunday night and then we had leftovers until Tuesday when I made some taco meat for Johnny and Ashlyn and then I wanted Mexican cheese soup so I made some of that. It's one of my favorites and so easy to make...just dump it in the crockpot. AND...more leftovers! I love leftovers because it means that for a day or two I don't have to decide what to make for dinner. :P I also need to remember to make chocolate chip cookies to take to my sister's house for our family's early Christmas party.  

This weekend I'll be working on Christmas presents. So far I just have one present figured out for each of the kids and grandkids that I'm personalizing for them. I think we may just do gift cards and/or stocking stuffers as well...but we still haven't decided on all that yet. Probably should...but my husband tends to be a procrastinator. ;) 

Well...I better get back to work! :)