Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Labor Day and School Day!

Labor Day weekend was full of laboring! :P

Johnny was working in the yard until late Saturday night trying to cut out some trees that keep growing along the fence. He finally called it quits because he needed some new blades for the reciprocating saw he was using. So I ordered those online for curbside pick-up. Sunday morning Johnny was up early tearing out a lot of tall weeds that have grown around the back porch and along the small fence next to the porch. We need to figure out what to do about that little fence. It's really just a roll of wire fence that is kinda leaned up against some random poles that we stuck in the ground. It doesn't stay up so the animals get back there anyway. One of these days we'll have to decide if we want to keep that area blocked off...and if  so, replace it with an actual chain-link fence or something.  

I've been busy working as well. I picked up three files all for the same case and between 20-35 minutes each in length. The case itself is pretty boring, but the audio is good and the speakers are all pretty clear. Since that's not always the case, I went ahead and picked up the last two files for the case that were still in the queue today. Those two files total 110 minutes on top of the 85 minutes I already had. These files are actually from the old system since there weren't many files available on the new dashboard when I looked the other day. That means I'm typing these files from scratch instead of editing from the AI. Really the only difference is that it takes a bit longer typing up the first draft, and then editing as I would from the AI file. I really like when I'm able to get several files for the same case. Certain words and spellings are usually clarified among different interviews so then I can use that information as reference for the other interviews. 

And Ashlyn started the first day of her sophomore year! There were some issues here and there getting connected to the zoom meetings for certain classes, but that's to be expected. Overall it went smoothly and she even got her assignments all done right after classes were over. Hopefully the year will go smoothly! 


And now I gotta get back to work! :)