Saturday, September 5, 2020

Hello September!

 Man...I can't believe how fast the months go by. Soon the year will be over again! 

Bozley is now three months old as of September 1st! He is doing so good. :) He is completely potty-trained now, so that's awesome! He's had no accidents in the house and goes to the backdoor whenever he needs to go outside. He'll sit quietly in front of the door unless I don't notice him, then he'll bark after a little bit. He'd also been doing great sleeping in the crate...until this week. :P We'd go to bed and he'd stay in the crate for about an hour before he would start whining and barking. On day 3 of no sleep, we made the executive decision to let him sleep in our bed since he is potty-trained. Now he sleeps in between our feet all night long without waking up and everyone is happy. :) 

We went to the vet today to get another round of puppy shots. He weighed 18 pounds! The vet commented on how calm and sweet he is. :) His skin is completely healed and back to normal. His coat is so silky smooth now. I don't think I've ever felt a dog with such soft fur. And he is such a pretty color. He'll go back in a month for his last round of puppy shots and his rabies shot...then he'll be good until next year! We'll see how his heart murmur is doing during his next appointment as well. Hopefully he has already outgrown it! 
We don't have any plans for Labor Day weekend. Johnny is off until Tuesday but I have to work. :P But work is going well! I got the hang of the editing platform pretty quick. When there's not much work available on it, I can switch back to the old site to pick up some files. There has been a pretty steady amount of work between the two. 

Ashlyn starts back to school Tuesday! The high school has changed things around this year to accommodate both students who are learning online and those who are at the school in person. Instead of the normal block scheduling in the past where the students have 5 classes one day and 5 different classes the next which alternate each day, they'll have 5 classes everyday for 9 weeks and then they'll have the 5 different classes everyday the next 9 weeks. And parents can choose to change the learning model (online or in person) at 9 week intervals. Ashlyn will be learning remotely for the first 9 weeks and we'll see how things go. 

Oh and I have these comparison photos showing how much Bozley has grown in just a month (and a few days)!