Friday, June 14, 2019

Art Museum

This last weekend we went to the art museum with my family. They were featuring a Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit that we wanted to see. My great-aunt and I love to paint...and so do my kids. So we all took the day to check it out. It was an awesome exhibit.

I really like Georgia O'Keeffe's style. She paints a lot of trees, and I love painting trees! This painting called Dark Tree Trunks caught my attention...

It reminded me of some of the trees that I painted several years ago when I was a student at WSU. This one is currently hanging in our living room. I have several with this same kind of style...smooth branches against a relatively plain background.

There's also a really neat walkway on the second floor with a lot of decorative glass underneath. I took some pictures of the girls walking across it...
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...much like I did in August 2010!