Friday, March 18, 2022

Hello Weekend!

I won't be much of a weekend since I have to work. :P 

Next week I may take a break to clean up the office a bit and get some spring cleaning projects done around the house. I need to make some headway in the basement and really start making progress getting stuff ready for the garage sale that we're going to have in May. I'm ready to get rid of all this extra stuff we have all over the place! Hopefully the weather will be nice during the citywide garage sales. With Kansas weather...who knows what it will be like. :P But...regardless of the weather we are DEFINITELY having a garage sale this year! We keep adding to our "garage sale stuff" pile(s) and then never having a garage sale. :P  

In other news...Nova had to go to the vet this week. We're not sure how...but she got a scratch on her eye. I wouldn't be surprised if it was from her and Bozley playing. They play so rough! But it's just a superficial scratch and they gave us some eye drops and meds to take care of it. And luckily eye injuries heal pretty quickly. That first night she was really trying to paw at it (and would grind her teeth when she was doing it!) but she seems to be doing a lot better now. She still squints her eye off and on and it waters every once in awhile, but she isn't pawing at it like she was. Bozley was NOT happy while she was gone! He was either laying down making growly noises or walking back and forth to the door whining. They do not like to be apart! He was super excited when she got home. It was cute. :) 

The dogs also got a bath this week! It figures...the day after they got a bath it rained/snowed. :P Nova didn't even like when Bozley was in the bathroom without her. She was whining at the door even though Ashlyn was trying to play with her as a distraction. LOL. The dogs have definitely bonded, that's for sure. We need to get them into the groomer again but we'll have to wait a little bit for some bigger paychecks. 

Well...I better get back to work! Hope everyone has a good weekend!