Friday, June 24, 2022

Officially Summer!

 And...I hate summer. :P The heat doesn't agree with me at all. I have several health issues that are exacerbated by the heat and it's been in the 90s and 100s lately. UGH. 

Things have been good lately other than that though. We had a relaxing weekend at home with Johnny for father's day. We lounged in bed with the dogs and watched a documentary on Saturday. We are still loving the new king-size bed and being able to raise the head and foot of the bed. :) It definitely makes for some comfortable TV watching! And on Sunday Johnny gave the dogs a bath and I trimmed the fur on their paws for some in-between grooming until we can get them in to the groomer again. And then Aubry came over and the girls each gave Johnny a card and we hung out for awhile. It was really nice. :) 

Monday Johnny was off work for the holiday. We lounged around for awhile and then went over to my grandma's house to help her with a few things. We took the dogs with us and they had a good time. And Grandma always enjoys seeing them (and us, of course!). :) 

Tuesday Ashlyn and I (Johnny had to work) went to dinner with my mom and grandparents for Aubry's birthday. She picked Olive Garden which is always yummy. We just happened to get there as it started to downpour. And then when we were getting ready to leave it started raining again so we chatted for a little bit while we waited for the rain to calm down. It poured off and on all evening...which seems to happen every time after we give the dogs a bath. :P 

Ashlyn's new job is going well. She said they've even chosen her and another new coworker to be in charge of closing at certain times when needed. Her managers seem to be impressed with her take-charge attitude (she gets that from her mama) and ability to get things done and learn new things quickly. She wasn't sure how well she'd like the new job during training when they were at a different venue, but it looks like it's gotten a lot better since she started actually working at the facility. I'm glad she seems to be enjoying it. :)

I've been busy editing photos lately. We had some 4 generation photos taken a few months ago that I've been working on. It's taking me awhile but eventually I'll have all 155 photos finished! lol. But this weekend I have some transcription files to get done. I don't like to claim files when we have anything going on because I take pride in always getting my files back by the deadline and I don't like running myself short on time. So that's what I'll be doing for the next week or so. :) It'll be nice getting back into that groove. 

I can't believe June is almost over! I'm looking forward to July 1...that's when the final two LONG episodes of Stranger Things season 4 will be released by Netflix! We'll definitely be binge-watching those next weekend. :) I'm sad that there will only be one more season after this...but it's been a good run. 

But for now...back to work!

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Yay! We have a new bed!

I am SO excited to have our new bed! We got it from my grandma. She had a king-size, adjustable Tempur-Pedic bed and was wanting to get a queen-size bed so she'll have more room in her bedroom. Johnny and I both have back we've definitely been looking forward to being able to raise the head and foot of the bed and the new memory foam mattress. We've just had queen-size pillow-top mattresses. First we had Johnny's that he bought in 2006. Then when we moved our bedroom upstairs in 2018, we switched to my mattress that was bought in 2009 (and hadn't been used since I moved in with Johnny in 2013). But in the last few years, my scoliosis has gotten worse and Johnny's back has been bothering him more...not to mention the fact that the dogs take up all the room. :P So we've been excited about the new bed!

Grandma's new bed was being delivered on Friday, so Thursday morning I took apart our bed and Ashlyn helped me move it downstairs while Johnny was working. Then that evening we picked up a U-Haul truck and went over to my grandma's house to load up the king-size bed and bring it to our house. It was SO HEAVY. The base is actually two separate twin XL bases...but with all the hardware and everything to adjust the head and foot of the bed they were a lot heavier than just a normal bed frame would be. Luckily my mom and dad were there to help too. Then we got it back to our house and unloaded it. We put the bases in our room but left the mattress and headboard in the hallway so I could still move the bases if I needed to while I was hooking all the cables back up. And then we took the U-Haul truck back so we didn't miss that deadline...and then we came back home and finished putting everything together and made the bed. 

I'm SO happy with the new bed! We actually still have a lot more room in our bedroom than I thought we might. I wasn't sure if we'd have to have it up against the wall, but we had enough room still for both nightstands AND the dog bed by the closet. We moved the dog steps to the end of the bed instead of the side...but that's about it. And we have a LOT more room in the bed, that's for sure. Usually Bozley doesn't lay in bed with us that long but since getting the new bed, he'll lay in our bed for almost half an hour before he finally gets down and goes to his bed. Nova still sleeps in our bed all night...but she's no longer taking up all the room and kicking us off the edge. ;) We raised the head/foot of the bed while the dogs were on it...and they were definitely not sure what to think about that! LOL. I'm sure if we turned on the massage function they'd really freak out when it started vibrating! 

I don't think I've ever slept as well as I have with the new bed. With the head raised a little bit and then raising the foot of the bed, my back feels so much better. Plus the mattress is SO comfortable. When grandma was buying her new bed, they said that once someone gets a Tempur-Pedic mattress they rarely get something else after that...and I can see why! I've definitely been sleeping better and waking up feeling more rested. And aside from being sore from moving furniture, my back is feeling better in general. I actually look forward to going to bed now! LOL. ;) 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Happy Birthday Boz!

It's hard to believe that our beautiful boy, Bozley, is TWO years old today! He got a special dinner (with some ground beef, cheese, etc. added to his kibble) and a new stuffed duck toy! He ate the dinner right up...and the toy was ripped apart in less than two hours. ;) Bozley has never been destructive with his toys...but he and Nova play tug-of-war and they end up ripping holes in their toys and pulling the stuffing out. :P So we've taken the squeaker and the stuffing out of the duck and he still loves it. We've even had some angry growls between the two of them fighting over the duck toy. :P 

Bozley has started eating better! He's still extremely picky...but he's now eating Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Skin and Stomach kibble without having to add other wet/fresh foods to it (because that got expensive!). After bringing Nova home, we went back to adding some water to the kibble and heated it up for about 8 seconds in the microwave...and now he'll eat it as long as I'm sitting in front of the kennel with the door open while he eats. ;) So...he's still high maintenance but we're making progress! 

He's not afraid of car rides anymore. Ever since the night we brought Nova home, he rides in the backseat like it was never a problem at all. He's even comfortable enough to lay down and sleep during the drive. However, one thing he remains terrified of is anyone on the roof. Like...PTSD terrified. They don't even have to be on our roof...two sets of neighbors recently each had their roof replaced and he was too scared to go outside after he saw people walking on the roof. 

He's also still too scared to go down the stairs into the basement. They're carpeted steps and there's a landing a couple steps down then they turn to a longer staircase...but he's never gone further than his front paws on the first step and looks downstairs. Nova goes down there all the time to go check on the cats (like every single time after she comes in the house) but he still doesn't go down there. Sometimes he acts like he really wants to...he's just too afraid to. If I go to the stairs and try to coax him to go down, he goes back and just lays on the couch and stares at me. 

Boz doesn't mind kisses on his muzzle (Nova isn't much of a fan) and he gives love by resting his muzzle on top of your face. It's funny...if you lean your face close to his and whisper something like, "Do you want to go downstairs?" he covers his muzzle over your mouth like he's telling you to be quiet. lol. ;) One of these days I'll have to try to get a video of it. 

He still likes to cuddle in short bursts. He'll lay next to you--especially if he gets some pets or chest rubbins--but then he'll get up and go lay on the floor (usually under the window next to the vent). I think he just gets too hot. Nova will lay in bed sandwiched in between me and Johnny for nearly the whole night...but Bozley prefers to sleep in his bed. In the mornings if Johnny gets up before I do (which has been a regular thing lately), Bozley will lay up on the bed in Johnny's spot with his head on Johnny's pillow until I get up. Most of the time he won't even go outside with Nova in the morning unless I'm awake. He's still a mama's boy. :) He still prefers to hide behind me when he's scared, too. 

We can't imagine life without our sweet BozzyBear. He and Nova complete our home in such a wonderful way. :) 

Here's Bozley just after midnight on his birthday!