Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Busy, Busy, Busy

I'm glad that my law enforcement transcription work has picked up lately. I actually didn't have ANY files in January and February. It did give me a lot of time to work on designs for my CandiMaker Etsy shop, but doing LE transcription is still my "main" job. But lately there hasn't been a lot of work available. I do try to be sort of picky about the files I take, though. I take pride in my work and have always met accuracy and on-time requirements. 

I've been working plans for other Etsy shops. I know that I'm going to start selling sublimation ready-to-press transfers at some point but I'll probably sell them from my current Etsy shop...but I haven't decided yet. And I've considered selling sublimated end-products...but I think *if* I do, it would either not be on Etsy at all or it would be from a different Etsy account that I have. It may Also not be limited to just sublimated items...but all my "maker" craft projects. It'll include things I've made with my Cricut Maker...projects using vinyl, cardstock, chipboard, stickers, etc. Again, I'm not 100% sure if I'll sell my physical products on Etsy, use a Facebook storefront, or if I'll just sell from my own website...or a combination of sites. I just haven't decided yet. 

I actually still have the store on my original Etsy account as well (linked to my personal account that I'd created for shopping on Etsy) but I never used it at all. I had considered using it to sell my paintings...especially when I was really getting back into when I was in college at WSU. I needed some fine arts classes in my college schedule to fulfill my degree requirements as well as more electives in categories other than behavioral science...so I was taking all the oil painting classes available at WSU. I'd forgotten just how much I loved painting...and I really loved having the time and space to do so. It got me to thinking more about selling my art...but back then I never really got around to figuring out all the nuances of selling on Etsy to actually start doing it. Now I've actually read through all the Etsy policies, I know how all their fees work, I've researched SEO, and I've set up all my spreadsheets to run my business that could be easily adapted to selling my artwork. But...I'm not sure if I really have time for drawing and painting on top of everything else...so we'll see. :P

But right now...I should probably get back to work on my transcription files! :)