Monday, January 10, 2022

Week Two!

Here we are into the second full week of the new year. I think it's been a fairly productive start so far...if you don't count the fact that a lot of things I've been getting done were actually distractions from the other things I planned to get done. LOL. I'd planned to jump right into getting some designs done...but I still have yet to actually get a single new design done so far this year. :P However, I did get all of our bills organized by payday for 2022. Then I wanted to get my new fonts unzipped and organized. But I realized that the free version of the font manager program I've been using only allows for 2500 fonts...and I have a lot more than that. :P So then I decided to buy the paid version of the program. When I went to enter the expense into my CandiMaker spreadsheet, I realized I needed to finalize all my income and expenses for 2021 and set up for 2022. Then I figured I should go through my transcription spreadsheet as well so that I'll be completely ready to do our taxes...which led me to actually logging in to input the tax information I have so far just to get an idea of what we're looking at. Then I finally circled back to organizing my fonts into folders. Plus I've still gotten distracted with everyday things like doing dishes, laundry, vacuuming the never-ending amount of golden retriever hair, making dinner, etc. Plus Thursday night/Friday I was sick and didn't get much of anything done aside from taking anti-nausea medicine and sleeping. :P 

Oh and Sunday the dogs had their groomer appointment. They hadn't been since September. Samantha -- who has been grooming Bozley since he was 4 months old at Doggie Style Salon -- just started her own grooming business -- The Pawsh Pug -- out of her home. So we decided to follow her to her new place even though it's a little bit further to drive. With Bozley's anxiety, I think it's better to stay with the same groomer as long as we can...and she's wonderful with them! I let her know Sunday that Bozley has been a little more anxious lately after the fireworks on New Years, going to Petco, and rearranging our bedroom. When we went to pick the dogs up after they were done, she said that Boz was a little more anxious than normal...but she just held his paw while she was blow-drying him and that seemed to make it better. LOL. Bozley is a bit high-maintenance, that's for sure. :P She sent me pictures as soon as she got done with them and I can't get over how cute they are! 

We finally finished getting the bedroom all squared away after rearranging everything. I think the dogs have gotten used to the change now and Milo finally started sleeping on "his" pillow on the bed again last night. And now I have a (temporary) bedside table! I'm not sure I'll have one after we get the larger king-size bed...but for now I do. And we were able to put a couple things on my side of the bed (my Allay lamp from my grandparents, the space heater/fan, etc) so now there's room on Johnny's bedside table for his jellyfish lamp (which the girls and I got him for Christmas in 2019) and the new "docking station" that I gave him for Christmas this year. I found it on Etsy and it turned out really nice! I picked out a Cherry wood color and the design with his name. It was well made and even had black leather lining each of the cutouts on the base as well as the piece that the phone sits on. I'm pleased with my purchase and Johnny really likes it. :) 

Today Ashlyn gets her booster Covid vaccine. Her age group wasn't available when Johnny and I got ours last month. So we're gonna get that done today. Then we have to drop off some packages for the kids, grandkids, and Johnny's mom. Since it didn't work to get together with everyone for Christmas, we decided to go ahead and mail all the gifts. So I got everything boxed up and addressed and I'll have Ashlyn with me to help get all four boxes inside at once. Then we have to run by Petco to pick up Bozley's dehydrated wet food. We ran out yesterday but they haven't had the 7lb or 10lb boxes in stock. Well...he didn't eat his dinner last night and didn't eat breakfast this morning so...I went ahead and got a couple of the 2lb boxes for now. I swear...that dog is the pickiest ever! Oh...the bag of treats that we picked out from the "buffet" at Petco for Nova's birthday...Bozley doesn't like any of them! What dog doesn't like treats?! Most of them he'll just turn his nose up at and walk away, then some he'll take it in his mouth and then leave it on the floor and walk away. There are some treats he likes, though. The Three Dog Bakery Assorted Mutt Trio cookies...he loves those. They were out the other day when I placed our grocery order so we got their sandwich cookies instead (kind of like Oreos for dogs). I asked if they wanted a cookie and he came over all excited...then when it wasn't the "cookie" that he usually gets, he just walked away. I've never known a dog as picky as Bozley. :P Nova definitely isn't that picky. She'll eat anything!

All right...I need to finish up the last of my fonts and get to designing! :)