Saturday we finally got the flooring done! On April 30, I had finished reorganizing all of our stuff in the basement and moving my mother-in-law's things from the office into the basement. That was also the day our flooring was delivered. Here are the before pictures of the living room and dining room.

On May 2, we got the rest of the stuff in the living room and dining room moved (except the heavy sectional couch) and started tearing out the old carpet and the ceramic tiles at the front door. Ashlyn was a big help during the process (Aubry had to work).

Then the night of May 6, I painted some Kilz primer on the floor in the dining room and a few spots in the living room...then I painted another coat on May 7. Between dealing with the death of two family members and long periods of rain, there was sort of a break from working on the floor. Since I was getting most of it done during the day while Johnny was working, I had to do all the cutting of boards out on the back patio because it was too loud while he was on the phone with customers...and I wasn't gonna do that in the rain! We finally started putting the floor down on May 16. Of course, we ended up having to start over going the other way because we realized we were doing it backwards. :P Luckily we'd only put 2 rows down when we figured out we were going backwards. So we started over and got a little bit done that first night.

Ashlyn helped me throughout the week while Johnny was working. She mostly just had to stand on the board next to the one I was putting in so that the boards didn't shift, then fetch tools and the vacuum for me. Here was our progress on Day 2, 3, and 4.

Then I took a break on May 19 to make BBQ Pork Chops for dinner. On May 20, Ashlyn and I finished the dining room...but we had to move the last piece of the couch before we could continue the rest of the living room.

We had to wait until everyone was home to be able to move the couch because it's so heavy and I didn't want to scoot it across the new floor. So then on May 23, Ashlyn and I were able to finish all but the last seven partial rows before she left for the weekend. After work on Friday, Johnny helped me finish it and we started moving everything back into the living room and dining room. :)

We still need to put the baseboard moldings back on and put transitions at the stairs, hallway, and into the kitchen, but at least we got the floor in and the house put back together at the moment. :) I absolutely LOVE the way it looks!
We also decided to leave the large armoire that we got from Johnny's sister-in-law in the office permanently and are storing all the tools in it for least until we get the garage cleaned out. I need to work on getting the office cleaned and organized again now that we're not storing so much stuff in there anymore. But...I'll get around to it when I get around to it. :P
We got quite a bit done around the house this weekend. And by we, I mostly mean Johnny. :P I helped a little bit and got some regular chores done (dishes, laundry, etc). I also started cleaning and organizing the kitchen counter and dining room table...finding homes for everything we'd used while we were working on the floor. Oh and I replaced the vent covers in the living room with some new black ones that look great with the new floor. :)

Anyway...back to all that Johnny got done! Our sump pump went out at the end of last year, so he replaced that. And a lot of our fence planks were loose, so he went through and screwed them all back on. He also found the new latch for the gate and put that on so our gate can finally be locked again. He also replaced the lawn mower blade and air filter...then mowed the backyard. He also pulled a bunch of weeds in the front beds...and then I pulled out like 27 thorns out of his hand from one of the bushes out front. :P
We were also kid & dog free for a little while over the weekend. Ashlyn spent the weekend with XH's family. She saw her dad for a few hours, but that was it. Then Sunday Aubry spent the night with XH's mom before coming back Monday to work that afternoon. So Johnny and I just had some leftover enchiladas and sour cream enchiladas for dinner, watched some TV, and then I went to sleep a little earlier than Johnny. My allergies have been super bad lately and all the Benadryl has been making me SO sleepy. Then this morning we were awakened by the doorbell (yay for Amazon Prime 1-day delivery of the vent covers!) and we decided to just stay up and start getting stuff done. The Aubry dropped her dog off and went to work, Ashlyn came home and got her chores done, then we had some spaghetti for dinner. Yum! After dinner, Johnny took Ashlyn driving around so she could log some more driving hours so she'll be able to get her restricted license later in the year.
And now...bedtime!