Thursday, May 5, 2022

It's already May?!

I can't believe it's already May and the school year is almost over again. Next year...our last child will be a SENIOR! It's so crazy to think that this stage of our parenting journey will officially be over after next year. Honestly, I'm looking forward to it. Don't get me wrong...we had a good run and it's been very rewarding raising my kids. They're good kids and we've had a lot of fun experiences...but raising teenagers is also exhausting. LOL. 

Ashlyn had prom last weekend! She went with some friends and had a good time. My mom, grandma, and sister came over and we all hung out, had lunch, and my sister did Ashlyn's make-up. Then we went to take pictures at the park down the road and over at my grandparents' house. Ashlyn was super excited for her surprise...prom pictures with the pony car. ;) Johnny chauffeured Ashlyn and her friend to dinner, the dance, and then back to another friend's house after the dance for a couple hours before picking her back up to bring her home. 

The weekend before prom we had pictures with my mom, her mom, my sister, her 2 daughters, and my 2 daughters. They were four generation photos as well as pictures with our 3rd birthday dresses that my mom sewed for all of us. We love our photographer. She has been taking pictures of the little girls since Aubry was 4 months old. We need to call her again soon to set up Ashlyn's senior pictures now! 

This weekend I'm planning to work on garage sale stuff...then next weekend is the citywide garage sale. Hopefully it doesn't rain. It's been raining a lot the last several days. There were actually tornados in the area (about 10 miles away from us) the day before Ashlyn had prom. If it does end up raining next weekend...I think I'll just wait and have the garage sale next year. Garage sales are already a lot of work...I don't want to deal with rain on top of it. But regardless of when...we definitely WILL have a garage sale at some point! We have so much stuff to get rid of! I have 10+ plastic bins of clothes alone that we need to get rid some furniture, lots of housewares, stuff in the garage, etc. 

I finally got my POD shop up and running! You can find it over at RedBubble. I have about 25 designs so far and there are shirts and stickers available for every design. For some designs there are other products available including travel cups, notebooks, aprons, phone and iPad cases, clocks, bags, blankets, etc. In the future I plan to also have another POD website for printed stationary like wedding and party invitations as well as a few other products. I'm also still toying with the idea of selling physical products on Etsy...but that'll be down the road as well. Today I'm working on my Etsy design shop...reworking a few designs and updating the SEO on my listings. I try to go through my listings every couple of months to update tags, descriptions, etc. to make sure that I'm using what works and getting found in searches, etc. 

Now...back to work! :)