Saturday, August 10, 2024

Always busy!

I've still been super busy working on updating my Etsy shops. It's taking me a long time to get through editing my listing photos. It's going a little smoother now that I've found my groove. 

I decided that I'm going to update my shop my section...I started with my chronic illness stickers since they're my most popular. I also decided that I'm going to wait on my ruler photos. I already have my size comparison photo which shows all three sizes (2", 3", 4") in the same image with a quarter to show real-world the photos with the individual sticker next to the ruler to show size is just supplemental. It was taking a lot longer to get through the photos when I have three additional photos for each I decided I can wait and add those later as I get them done. That way I can get my shop updated without further delay. I've gotten two sections done so far...and I'm working this weekend to get as much done as quickly as possible. I'm hoping it'll be the last weekend I work for awhile. Next weekend is our anniversary so I'm definitely going to take a break and spend some much needed quality time with my husband. It's hard to believe we've been back together for 12 years already and married for 7! :)

I also took a short break last weekend so we could celebrate Johnny's birthday. We went to Village Inn for dinner with my grandparents. Johnny had the All World Triple Cheeseburger which used to be a double. It was pretty funny...another customer at the restaurant was joking with Johnny about his super tall cheeseburger and ended up getting one himself. ;) Mom and I both ordered breakfast. I love their French toast. We didn't save room for pie, though! After dinner we went over to my grandparents' house to play Hand & Foot (I also just learned that it's actually a version of Canasta). 

Oh! And I noticed last week that my custom name labels listing in my CandiMakerPlanners shop has the bestseller badge! It's the first I've noticed for any of my stickers. It just means that I got a lot of orders for it in a short amount of time. I've sold 40 sheets since the middle of June. :) I've marketed them mainly for back-to-school so that's the main reason for their jump in popularity. So that's pretty exciting! 

I don't really have a whole lot to update other than work stuff. We do still make time to have dinner together every night. We've been watching a new show lately, though!'s a show that I'd started watching before Johnny and I ever started dating but then never watched beyond the first season. I've had Manifest playing in the background while I've been working...and I remembered that Josh Dallas was also in Once Upon a Time. So one day I decided to start watching that again since I never finished it. Johnny was leaning on the back of the couch after work when I was on episode 3 or something...and he started asking questions and got interested in it. So we started over from the beginning. We're already in the middle of Season 3! Rumple is my favorite character. There's just something kind of adorable about him despite being the dark one. lol. Maybe it's the accent. ;) 

Well...I'm going to get back to work. I hope everyone is having a good weekend! :)