Monday, July 22, 2024

Breaking more records!

Last week, I broke my record for the number of orders in one week with 34 orders...and last week I broke my record again with 36 orders! :) I'm pretty sure I'm going to break my record for monthly orders this month too. My record high for orders in one month was 97 last month in June...but I'm already at 96 orders after yesterday and there's still 9 days left in July. :) So I'm pretty excited about that! 

I finally found all the backgrounds that I'm going to be using for my new listing photos. I wanted some images that have real-world textures that also match the colors of my branding...which are peacock/galaxy colors. Our wedding was a peacock theme so that's where it comes from. :) Anyway...I found some images I like...a lot of it has a painted cement look to it. And the one I'm going to be using for my size comparison photo is actually called "Rustic Peacock" which I really liked. :) I got some very white, very smooth 12x18 cardstock and I printed the images then covered them with matte laminate. I'm going to attach them to a piece of sanded plywood that my mom has...making my own photo boards that'll last through constant handling when photographing new items. Mom is coming over this week to help me photograph all my existing designs. It goes so much faster when I can have someone handing me the sets of stickers and putting them back while I'm taking the pictures. So we're going to make a day of it, have lunch together, and just hang out. :) 

I also revamped the infographic listing photos to match my new backgrounds and updated the information. Today I'm working on my main listing images. I'm also going to be updating my listing descriptions and things like that. I hope to have my entire shop completely updated no later than the end of this weekend, but hopefully sooner! I do wish Etsy had a better way to do bulk updates though. :P 

Well...I better get back to work. I have a lot to get done before tomorrow!