Monday, October 19, 2020

Amazon Prime Day!

I intended to make a blog post just before Amazon Prime Day with deals that I'd found, but I didn't get around to it. Then I was going to make a blog post about my second annual Amazon Prime Day purchase (last year it was two Amazon Fire Sticks) but I didn't get around to that either. I was so busy with work last week that I just made a quick post on Facebook during my break. 

But now that my Amazon Prime Day deal has been delivered and I've actually used it, I thought I'd write a review. :) Disclaimer: I bought this product myself and was not compensated for my opinions on this product. 

This year for Amazon Prime Day, I bought a new vacuum! My mom bought my sister and I (and herself) a Shark Lift-Away lightweight vacuum for Christmas about 10 years ago. They were on a deep discount and she had Kohls cash to it was a great deal! I've loved my vacuum. I even used it when I owned my own cleaning business for a few years. The only bad thing about it was that the brushes constantly got clogged with hair. And this finally gave up and the rollers stopped working all together. :( 

Johnny has had a Dyson vacuum since before we started dating. It's nice...but it's so heavy. And I think it's also on its last leg. So Johnny and I talked it over and decided that with the Amazon Prime Day discount, we'd go ahead and get a new vacuum. 

I decided on the Shark ZU561 Navigator Lift-Away Speed Self Cleaning Brushroll Lightweight Upright Vacuum with HEPA Filter, Red Peony. It is basically like a newer version of my old Shark Lift-Away vacuum. 

After it arrived, I took a picture of the new vacuum (on the left) next to my old vacuum. The red definitely matches the living room more than the old purple one...not that it really matters. ;) 

This weekend I got the chance to use it. I will doesn't feel as "lightweight" when I'm actually using it. Carrying it? Yes. Using it? Not so much. It does say that you can reduce the suction to make it move easier, but that seems to defeat the purpose a bit. :P I will say though that it does have pretty good suction. The floor looked great after using it in the hallway, bedroom, and the living room area rug. So far I haven't had a problem with the hair clogging, but we'll see how that continues. And as a personal preference, I also wish that the other two attachments -- the Hair Removal Multi-Tool and Wide Upholstery Tool -- could be stored on the vacuum itself. I just don't like having to store things separately. Next weekend I plan to vacuum the stairs, so we'll see how it does then. 

Had it not been discounted for Amazon Prime Day, I probably wouldn't have gotten it yet, though. But overall, I'm very pleased with the purchase for the price. :)