Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Happy Anniversary to Candi & Johnny!


This is one of my favorite pictures of me and Johnny. It was taken at my grandparents' house on Easter in 2016. It's hard to believe that we have been back together for EIGHT years...and married for three. It feels like we have been together forever, but it also still feels like just yesterday. 

Our relationship -- and our life -- is very calm and content. We have very little drama in our life. I mean...we're raising teenagers, so there's a little bit of drama. :P But he and I don't have drama with each other. It's just really nice to have such a strong connection with someone and to still be so in love after all this time. And even more than that...we still LIKE each other. We like talking to each other. We like spending time together. We like doing nice things for each other. I believe that's how relationships SHOULD be, but so many times...it's not. I feel very lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life. 

Here's to many more years of happiness! <3