Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Kind of productive day!

This morning I woke up, made Johnny's coffee, and fed the cats...like I do every morning. I spent some time with Johnny on the porch before he had to start working. Then I had some more packages delivered...including my new spice rack and jars! Unfortunately, I had a doctor appointment so I had to leave shortly after the mail was delivered. Then I had to go pick up all my prescriptions. After I got back home, I had a surprise visit from my grandma. She wanted to get out of the house for a little while. So I was able to show her the new floors and the rug that my sister had bought for us and everything that we'd been doing around the house and in the backyard. Around the same time grandma showed up, Ashlyn got home from a walk with her dog to meet a friend and Aubry stopped by briefly to drop off her dog with me before going to work. Grandma enjoyed seeing the kids and even the puppies...since we haven't been around grandparents much since the coronavirus hit. Grandma had also given me the pressure cooker and loves hearing about what I've been making in it for dinner, so I heated up some of the ribs for lunch. She really liked them, too. :)

Grandma stayed and hung out with me and Ashlyn for a couple hours before she headed back home. Johnny's break fell around the same time so he got to say bye too. :) Then I started organizing all the spices and seasonings to put on the spice rack. I already had one spice rack, and was able to find another one just like it. I actually used some heavy-duty Command strips to attach the spice racks to the back of the white pantry cabinet that I spoke about in this post. I also got some new jars for some of the stuff that didn't previously fit on the spice rack so we could have everything in the same spot and have it look more uniform. I think it turned out really great!

Ashlyn decided to make tacos for dinner. I've had a horrible headache so that was really nice. Now just going to have a relaxing night and hopefully go to bed early and wake up in the morning without a headache.