Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Holiday weekend ended with a...scratch!

Johnny didn't sign up to work the holiday weekend, so we were able to have three whole days together! The girls went to the football game Friday night because Aubry was working the concession stand. Aubry had to work on Saturday so Ashlyn watched the puppies while Johnny and I went to his mom's old house to get some more of her stuff out of there. Then the girls went to a WSU game with my mom and grandparents on Sunday. After the game, they spent the night at XH's parents' house...mostly because Aubry wanted to see her boyfriend who lives out there. :P

So...Johnny and I had a lot of quality down time together. We didn't get as much done around the house as we'd planned, but it was nice to have some time to ourselves. Sunday night we ordered delivery from Applebees and continued binge watching How to Get Away with Murder on Netflix. ;) It was a nice "date at home" night. :)

And then Monday night I ended up in the ER. I'd let the dogs outside to go to the bathroom. Neko is a little jerk and won't come back inside when you call for him...he just stays where he is and shivers until you go out and pick him up. It was dark, but I could see his eyes glowing out by the fence...so I didn't take a flashlight out with me. Well, when I bent down to pick him up, I misjudged how far away I was from the bush and one of the branches poked me right in the eye. We spent almost two hours trying to flush my eye out with water and eye drops at home before I gave up and asked Johnny to take me to the ER.

They gave me some numbing eye drops and then some dye to get a better look at my eye. And just as I suspected, I had scratched my cornea. Unfortunately, the numbing eye drops only last about 5-10 minutes...and a scratched cornea is PAINFUL. It feels as though you have a rock in your eye and every time you blink or even move your eye when it's closed, it hurts. And then, immediately after they shined the light in my eye, I got a hemiplegic migraine. My face instantly went numb along with my right shoulder and arm. Then the headache came over me. After they treated my eye with an antibiotic ointment, they also gave me a shot of Phenergan and Toradol for the migraine. Then we came home and since I couldn't see and my eye was still in so much pain, I just got an ice pack and went to bed.

I had to follow up with my eye doctor today. He said that I have two pretty bad cuts on my cornea; one at the top and then one right in the middle. He gave me a contact lens to wear until my follow-up appointment on Friday. He said it'll act as a bandage to protect the wound and help it heal. It basically eliminated the pain associated with my eyelid moving over the cut...so that was good! Then he prescribed me some antibiotic eye drops to use four times a day since it was a stick that had gone in my eye.

So tonight I've finally been able to keep my eye open for more than a few seconds at a time and I can even sit in a room with the lights on and not have to keep my eye closed. The sunlight still bothers it a lot though. Luckily corneal abrasions heal quickly! Especially considering I'd picked up a file for work before all this happened and have a deadline to meet!

So...that was my eventful start to the week. :P