Saturday, June 10, 2023

Well that was lots of fun! :P

Nothing like an impromptu complete cleaning of the refrigerator. :P We noticed that the fridge wasn't staying cool like it should be. So...of course I googled it. :P I thought maybe the freezer was too full and blocking the vents...since the freezer was still staying cold just fine. We watched to see if it improved, but it didn't. So we googled some more and then assumed the fan in the back of the fridge was probably frozen over. We had to remove everything from the fridge so that we could take the panel off behind the shelves and defrost the fan. While we were at it...I decided to take the opportunity to wash the fridge shelves and drawers. Our fridge is actually a bit too big for the space it's in (that'll teach me to impulse buy a fridge without measuring the space first) we can't open the refrigerator door wide enough to remove the shelves without moving the whole fridge. So...since we had to move the fridge anyway, I decided I might as well make the most of it. :P we have a clean AND working fridge again. :) Luckily it happened on Thursday right BEFORE I was going to get groceries on Friday and not when we had a whole fridge full of food I just bought. :P We only had to throw out about half a gallon of milk, some eggs, a couple pieces of lunchmeat, some cheese slices, and a container of sour cream. Oh and the last little bit of Aubry's cookie dough. So...not too bad. And we'd just finished the huge bowl of leftover creamy chicken and noodles the night I'm glad that didn't go to waste either. We've had the fridge for almost 10 years now without this happening at hopefully we won't have that problem again for awhile! It's been a really nice refrigerator...aside from the fact that the ice maker stopped working a few years after we bought it and Samsung's official solution is to buy a whole new door. :P I did find a possible fix for it at one point, but I just haven't bothered to actually try it yet. 

I've spent the week mostly working on CandiMakerDesigns and getting some new transfers uploaded as well as renewing some of the expired digital downloads. I started getting visits to my listings right away so I'm happy about that. I've been needing to work on the SEO in my sublimation shops but just hadn't gotten around to I was able to do that as I was renewing the expired listings. My stats for the last week are back up to what they were the previous year when I was more active in my shop. So that's a good sign. :) It's easier to find the motivation to keep going when you can see actual progress to show that you're on the right track. I got another order for custom transfers from the same wonderful customer who placed a large custom transfer order last weekend right before I merged my shops. It definitely makes me happy. :)

I've also had several sticker orders to mail out this week...four went to the post office today! I'm up to 102 sales for CandiMakerStickers now...which has surpassed the 100 sales in CandiMakerDesigns. :) This morning I had to print some more packaging stickers and the cardstock folders that I ship my stickers in. Then I printed two sticker orders and got them packaged and dropped off at the post office. Now I'm working on some new sticker designs for the rest of the weekend. :)  

And on that note...back to work!