Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day!

I posted a similar version of this to Facebook...but here is a quick survey about me and Johnny in recognition of Valentine's Day. 

When and where did you meet? In January 2005 when we were both working for the USPS.
Who was interested first? Johnny started flirting with me first and then I fell hard. 
When and where was your first date? Dinner at Red Lobster then we saw "Must Love Dogs" at the movie theater in August 2005.
When and where was your first kiss? In the Walmart parking lot after work in June 2005. 
Who initiated the first kiss? Johnny did. We were chatting and listening to a Matchbox20 CD in his truck and he held my face with both of his hands...and gave me the best first kiss I've ever had. :) 
How long have you been together? It'll be NINE YEARS in August 2021 (not counting the 4 months we were together in 2005). 
If married, how long? It'll be 4 years in August 2021!
How long did it take you to get serious? Well we fell in love in June 2005, were together for 4 months, then we didn't get back together until 2012 so...7 years! ;) 
What is your age difference? Johnny is 13 years older than I am.  
Who is taller: Johnny. 
Who said I love you first? I said "I'm falling in love with you," first. He said "I love you," first. 
Who has the worst temper? Johnny. And he stays mad longer than I do. 
Who is the most sensitive? Johnny.
Who is the most crazy? Define crazy. :P Johnny is more adventurous. I'm more nosey. So it depends on how you look at it. ;) 
Who is the loudest? Johnny. 
Who is the most stubborn? Johnny
Who falls asleep first? It definitely depends on the night. 
Who is the better driver? ME! Johnny would say him...but it's definitely me. :P 
Who drives when you are together? Usually Johnny (which doesn't mesh real well with the previous question). ;) LOL.
Who is the most competitive? Johnny...largely because it goes back to being stubborn. 
Who is the most social? Definitely Johnny. We were both more social when we were younger, but he is still more social than I am.
Who is the best cook? We're both good cooks...I just cook a lot more often than Johnny does and I cook a wider variety of things. And he's the one who cooks out on the grill. 
Who is the better morning person? Definitely me...but I hate mornings! It just takes Johnny a lot longer to get up and going where I can just bounce out of bed and get ready for the day if I have to.
Who is the funniest? We're both funny in different ways. Johnny is silly and playful where I'm more smartass and witty. 
Who is the bigger neat freak? Again, both in different ways. I'm more OCPD about organization and Johnny is more of an OCD surface cleaner. 
Where do you eat out most as a couple? We don't eat out as much as we get food and bring it home to eat. But actually eating at the restaurant...probably Olive Garden or Abuelos. 
Who plans date night? Either/Both. We don't usually do a lot of planning for date nights...we typically just decide and go. Johnny usually wants to go out more than I do so he "plans" it more, I suppose. 
Who picks where you go to dinner? I tell Johnny to pick because he's more picky about what he feels like on any given day...where I can just find something I like from pretty much anywhere. But it usually ends up with him making me pick...which means I say a few places until he decides which one sounds the best. ;) 
Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? Me. 
Who wears the pants in the relationship? We both wear pants (and since we're both working from home's usually PJ pants!) ;) I like to joke that Johnny wears the pants, I just tell him which pair to wear...but he doesn't listen to me anyway (like when I tell him to change into his work jeans when he's doing stuff around the yard but he wears his good jeans and ends up with grass stains). ;) LOL! 
Who has more tattoos? Johnny...he has one and I have none. 
Who sings better? We're probably about the same. We really just sing along to the radio in the car.
Who hogs the remote? Johnny, definitely! Usually we try to pick something to watch together in the evening, though. 
Who spends the most money? If you don't count the fact that I pay the bills and get the groceries, Johnny typically has more money going out each month than I do.  
Did you go to the same school? Definitely not. Johnny graduated high school a year before I started Kindergarten. ;) LOL. But we didn't go to school in the same towns, either. 
Where is the farthest you have traveled together? We've only been to Missouri and Oklahoma together. We almost got to the Texas border when we picked up Bozley from the breeder...that's the farthest we've been. We definitely need a vacation! 

Post a picture of you and your valentine: 💕🥰💕

Candi and Johnny - Easter 2013